I'm sitting here on a boring sunday, all my movies are packed up and in storage..gah, I keep telling myself if only I can get through this month the rest of the year will be much easier. lol Well anyway, did this one, using Paint Shop Pro8, my model is Kevin Zeger. Isn't he a babe? Heh. My brushes are from here
Fallen Rose.
The Story is my character named Nigel is a Dragon Talker, he can speak to dragons and command them, in this picture he's so close to the dragons he's almost morphing into one. Well that's what I wanted it to look like anyway, I used the smudge feature and bird and dragon brushes. From far off, dragons could look like a flock of birds..heehee I seriously need to learn to make my own PSP brushes..then I'll be a happy camper.
Anyway, please tell me what you think. Thank you!