New additions to my DVD collection

Jun 28, 2009 12:27

I spent the most part of yesterday watching movies. While Jake and I were out we stopped at Fry's Electronics to browse around. I was hoping to get Volume 6 of The Three Stooges Collection but it was not on the shelf. So instead I purchased four movies to add to my collection, three of them were $10 and under.

Alien and the double pack of the Conan movies were $10 and Assault on Precinct 13 (the original version) was $7.99! I also picked up the Criterion Collection of The Seventh Seal for under $30... and it's Blu Ray!!! I own a copy of the Criterion Collection of The Man Who Fell To Earth and that cost me almost $40!

Anyways, so I watched Assault on Precinct 13 and Conan the Barbarian yesterday. I will be adding my own separate reviews on each film. In the mean time... enjoy the cute angry kitty!

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