Dec 27, 2005 02:57
So apparently Jesse Frank, my ex, decided to de-friend me and my roomate on facebook. He couldn't tell me to my face that he didn't want anything to do with me---he had to do it online like the dickless bastard that he is.
WOW! I don't know what to do with myself. I should go jump off a bridge because the biggest, dickheaded fatass on the face of the planet no longer wants to be friends with me. I think I should go kill myself. I mean, his spoiled, lazy ass just had SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much to offer the world...I...I just don't think I can make it on without him.
(**NB: That was all sarcastic, in case you all couldn't tell.)
He's been stressing that he still wants to be friends. The last time he wanted to be friends (back in October) he wanted me to also hook up with him and he would touch me in inappropriate ways. I called him up today and told him that when we go back to school, that WON'T be happening. I don't have the time to be used by him. I talked about how many people had used me this year, and grouped him along with certain other people (who shall presently remain nameless). He apparently took great offense to this. I'M SORRY, BUT PEOPLE WHO USE PEOPLE ONLY FOR SEX ARE THE SAME!!!!!! PEOPLE WHO CAN'T UNDERSTAND THE WORD "NO" ARE ALL THE SAME!!!!!! PEOPLE WHO ARE VERBALLY ABUSIVE ARE ALL THE SAME!!!!
I'm venting here because I know he has a tendency to whine to anyone with ears about how noone understands him, and how every girl has mistreated him,misunderstood him, and has been selfish---IT HASN'T BEEN TRUE IN ANY OF THOSE CASES! I've gotten complete details from other parties. He likes to make people look everyone's victimized him. FINE! He wants to make people look bad---TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME!
I don't know what I'm going to do now without my desperate,sex-crazed,controlling, whiny, porn-addicted,lazy, good for nothing, bum, fatass, pro-rape (caught him DLing anime porn which glorified rape)ex.
*He downloaded anime porn glorifying rape
*He was totally sex crazed
-Asking me to hook up with him even when I've said "no" or told him I've
had a bad nite.
-Asking for my vagina for his birthday
-Asking me to act/move like the girls in his porno tapes.
*He would yell at me for no effin reason
*He redid my schedule to suit his needs.
*He threatened to dump me the second time unless I let him redo my schedule and promise to stay at Buffalo for lawschool.
*He got upset with me for not agreeing to be in one of his classes.
*He told me TO MY FACE that he would like to have men and women hit on him because, hey, at least then he'd know he was attractive
*He had profiles on virtually every matchmaking website WHILE HE WAS DATING ME!
-He repeatedly checked his profile on facethejury because he was curious
to see if anyone responded to him.
*He slept through his registration window then whined to anyone with ears about how he didn't get any of his classes.
*He'd wait till the nite before to right major essays, wonder why they didn't get done, bitch out the TA for one reason or another, and not be man enough to take responsibility for his own actions (or lack thereof).
-This was also always somehow partially my fault.
*Was so desperate to "get some" that he had two BIIIIIIIIIIIIG boxes full of porn CDs (which he still continued to watch while he was dating me because, as he told me, sometimes I "wasn't there" and he "had needs".)
*Made me pay for everything
*Spent a week doing nothing but playing WARCRAFT, then wondered why he was in no condition for a STATS exam.
*Would invite me over, then just ignore me so that he could play video games.
*Going to a party WITH ME, then ditching me and going to join a group of girls who were discussing group sex and orgies.
*Thought a romantic date was going to the dining hall.
*Cozied up to another girl in front of me because he wanted to "feel accepted."
*HAD THE AUDACITY to tell me that I grew up with "stupid people"
*Threatening to go public with some things about my dad (which weren't true) that could get him into a lot of trouble.
*Making me promise to NOT do a Fulbright Scholarship.
*Called me selfish, insensitive, thoughtless, etc...etc..., just because I refused to take his almost constant verbal abuse.
I'm not just a bitch...
I'm THE bitch...
He chose to fuck with the wrong girl!