Aug 18, 2009 17:50
Friday through Sunday was a filled weekend.
First off friday morning we went to the hospital so I could get my ultrasound done. It was really interesting. We had fun when they turned on the doppler so we could see all the different things going on. I was 7 weeks 2 days from what the computer could tabulate; so i guess that makes me 8 weeks tomorrow. The tec said everything looked as it should and there was nothing that could be seen to worry about. We got to hear the heart beat which of course is really fun. Jeff kept looking at the screen (which i couldn't see for most of it) and making weird faces like he was seeing aliens or something in there. The tec said the baby is about the size of a gummy bear right now :-) for some reason we really liked that comparison. so much so jeff wanted to go buy some and eat them; don't ask.
After that we went to auto zone to get a part for my car. Which after jeff removing the old part and cleaning it out and the putting said part back in (because no time to put in new one) the care was YAY for getting to save on some cash-o-lah!
The reason he had no time was we had a wedding to get to at 5:00. It was Larry and Christina's wedding (friend with jess and craig and slowly we are as well), it was really nice. I guess the Priest was telling dirty jokes about Michael Jackson in the back before starting the service; Catholic Priests can always surprise you. The reception was a lot of fun plus jeff got a lot of candid pics for the couple; woot disposable camera's on table.
Saturday I was with my mom's family all day at my Gido's. they did a bbq but to be honest it sucked do to how hot it was and believe me i wasn't in the mood for heat...NOR my crappy brother and his gaggle of hellions. I ended up eating and then going upstairs to my ma's bed and crashed for like 3 hours. Jeff didn't get out of work till like 9:00 so we didn't see much of each other.
Sunday we went to my Gido's again to hang with the family (my aunty and ma came up from TN Friday). We ate a good dinner and the just chilled the rest of the night. It was a late night being there, we didn't leave till like 11:00. But it was nice to hang with familia.
My ma and aunty left this morning. Monday they went with my mother-in-law and cousin (who is a Realtor) to look at houses for Jeff and I. Yeah I know we should have went but really we had no time and my ma offered to do it. Plus between the 4 of them they know what we want and need. There is one possible location in Utica that we are loving. We just got 3 more locations in Lake Orion to look at and then off we go. I'm hoping out of these 4 locations one with be the winner. I'm already pre-approved so next we just find the house and get stuff moving.