It's the end of the world as we know it....

Apr 18, 2008 07:36

Dudes, I live in Northeast Indiana. We had an earthquake this morning. I woke up between 5:30-5:40 and my whole bed was shaking, it was like The Exorcist almost! (Well probably not that bad, but it woke me up!) I thought maybe I had dreamed it at first, but then I heard my mom get up so I got up and we were both like, "Did you feel that too??" So we turned the news on a few minutes later and they were talking about it on there!

Apparently it was a 5.4 earthquake in southeastern Illinois, and we felt it all the way over here! Practically an entire state away!

"What if the earthquake was a sign? A bad omen and we just ignore it. There's gonna be a lot of red faces when the world comes to an end."

weird news, earthquake??

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