
Oct 16, 2007 06:26

Last night's Heroes...

There was an extreme lack of shirtless Peter this episode. The only reason that's ok is because THANK GOD Nathan finally shaved off that awful beard. Have we seen any more of his weird reflection in the mirror where he was burned or scarred? I can't remember.

I thought that the person on the rooftop who pushed Hiro's dad was the same person as in Molly's dreams. The person in Molly's dreams seems to be Officer Matt's daddy? But I don't think that's right, because hoodedguy on the rooftop seemed way smaller than at least Matt's dad was in the picture. So either he isn't thw guy in her dreams, or the person who is killing the old gang is a different person than the person in her dreams. But now she's trapped with whoever it is, thanks to Officer Matt. Nice one, Matt!

Micah's girl cousin (Monica?) rocks. On one hand, her swinging around the pole like that and kicking the robber was AWESOME! But realistically, really really stupid. I work in a retail store, and thankfully we've never been robbed, but they've always told us to just give them whatever they want. I don't think it's a concern for our health or wellbeing or anything. But we never really keep that much money in the registers, especially since most people pay with credit/debit cards, so anything that they steal would be way less than any hospital bills that they'd have to pay if we tried to be a hero and ended up getting shot. Even after she kicked him through that glass he could have very well gotten up and shot her, and then where would she be? She's the breadwinner of her family, and what would they do if she ended up in the hospital, or worse, dead?? But it was still seriously cool!

I'm still haven't decided about West. If he had asked me to jump off the Hollywood sign, I'd tell him that yes I know I can heal but it still hurts like hell to fall dumbass. But of course he caught her, followed up by the cheesiest line ever! Seriously, the writers couldn't think of something better? I don't think 17 year olds really talk like that! And nothing good is going to come of her lying so much to her parents, especially when HRG knows something is up!

Sylar! I can't believe he somehow found his way out of the jungle like that. I wonder if he was really passed out in the middle of the road or if he knew that someone would be more likely to help him if they almost ran him over. But now he's alone with the twins! They'll probably end up regretting it eventually. I can't imagine he'd eat their brains yet, since he can't use his powers. Plus he doesn't know what her power is and I can't imagine wanting whatever it is that she can do.

Next week's preview was my favorite part of the episode: KRISTIN!!! YAAAAY! I have been wondering when she was gonna show up! And it looks like she's gonna be helping Peter? COOL! I'm unspoiled except for the preview.


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