Saturday catch up

May 05, 2007 22:19

Man, this was like the longest week ever. I've worked every day except for today and with finals week. OMG so tired! So I slept allll day today and then hung out with my mom.

We went to a new restaurant and I had an excellent salad. Basically a ceasar salad but it was topped with fried calamari, yum! I've only had calamari once before and it was buffalo flavored breading that time. Tasty new things! :)

Then we went to see Disturbia which definitely lived up to its name. Especially since when we got home we realized we had forgotten to turn the lights on and all the blinds were open. CREEPY! But I'm safe...hopefully...*checks closet*

veracity I'll have your story for you tomorrow. I'm gonna finish watching The States on the History Channel and probably head to bed *curls up* So sleepy, still, I think I could sleep for a week!

movies, yummy food

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