Sunday Sunday Sunday

Mar 11, 2007 13:42

Stupid daylight savings time, so very tired now. But today is lovely and sunny and I got to wear my flip-flops when we went to lunch! :) And its my dad's birthday so we had cake! YUM!

Yesterday there was much movieness. First, 300 is AWESOME. So much awesome, I wanna go again right now if I wasn't needing a nap! Then men were pretty and the movie itself was beautiful and there was much violence! All good things if you ask me. Though for some reason oldguysittingbehindme kept zipping and unzipping his coat for the last 1/2 hour of the movie for no reason. Like every few seconds! It was very annoying, and he continued even after sister and I shot him faces of doom. This is why I hate movie theaters!! But this was definitely a movie that you need to see in the theater on the big screen (plus I really loved the music!)

Then later in the evening we went to see Zodiac which was also good. Not so much on the OMGAWESOME level, cause it was a different kind of movie, but still very very good. My sister and I were the two of the few people who weren't alive during the Zodiac period, but apparently we're the only ones who've seen the History Channel documentaries on it and knew how the story ended. It's odd how trusting people were less than 40 years ago, or maybe the people in the movie just did things that we consider VERY stupid today. (Sister and I quote Btvs allll the time and at one part of the movie I turned to her and said "What about the rest of the note" and she answered "What rest of the note?" "The part that says 'PS THIS IS A TRAP!!!" LOL)


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