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SO MUCH BEAUTY interrobam January 29 2012, 16:13:19 UTC
First I don't check the exchange and I miss this picture being posted, then I don't check my email and I miss it being posted again. Why am I always late to my own parties!? D : But as I said in my first comment on this picture, none of that matters in the face of such beauty @.@

First of all, everything I said about this picture the first time, I say again and with much gusto. Crowley's expression and all the wonderful details and just everything man it's so beautiful, even more beautiful than before because now it's colored and expanded and I can't even think a coherent sentence none the less type one. I love love love Aziraphale's expression, it's so tranquil but at the same time it's so determined and strong. Everything I dream of in BAMF!Aziraphale. Also the eyebrows. I don't think I mentioned it the first time but both of their eyebrows are to die for. And the armor! I thought it was awesome in the first picture but that snipet does not compare to the full thing. The tree of life/knowledge of good and evil pin! The fact that the entire sword is glowing/flaming, not just the blade! The golden feather armor! It's just all so. I mean. I can't even. I love the colors and the lighting choice, very bold and it totally works, especially on their hair (which looks amazing by the way). I love the stylized wings, especially how you positioned and colored them.

I love seeing all of the sketches you did! Having them is like getting five gifts for the GO exchange instead of just one. I love the one with Crowley on his knees (although the final position you chose is definitely sexier I mean dayum Crowley/Aziraphale's Flaming Sword is so right it might be my new OTP). The armor designs are great, they all feel vaguely Roman/Celtic, but at the same time they aren't distinctly one style, which I like.

I can't believe you learned photoshop from online tutes and youtube videos, your linework and coloring are amazing! I actually took a class on drawing in Photoshop and I could never make something that clean. Seriously though, I am dumbfounded and envious of your talent.

Again, I am so sorry for being late with seeing this, but it totally made my day and I can't stop grinning about it. This is seriously the sexiest A/C picture I've ever seen. Even though it's totally worksafe I keep looking around to make sure no one can see me looking at it because it oozes sex so thoroughly. Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!


Re: SO MUCH BEAUTY lady_aileas January 30 2012, 20:42:01 UTC
I figured that you don't check LJ very often... but I'm glad you got over here eventually because that comment is... WOW.

You're the first person to note that the armor is kinda Celtic and I love you forever for it! I did research looking at Anglo Saxon and Celtic armor because I figured Aziraphale seems to be the Principality of the UK and it would be awesome if I could reference that with the style of his angelic armor.

Thank you so much for the commentary about PS, I've been working pretty diligently at it for a few weeks now and I'm so happy that there's a noticeable improvement. It's probably worth mentioning that I don't do my line work on the computer, I draw everything out by hand and then ink the lines before I scan them. I'm not that comfortable with my tablet yet, though I'm getting there.

Again, thank you for the awesome prompt. It pushed me outside of my comfort zone and helped me improve well beyond what I believed I would be capable of. Plus, as I said before, I love Dom!Azira and he just doesn't get enough opportunities to show off his badassery.


Re: SO MUCH BEAUTY interrobam January 31 2012, 02:36:38 UTC
Yeah, I'm terrible about logging onto lj. I lurk so much I sometimes stay off for months and forget my password. : P It always makes me humiliatingly late to reply to stuff. Mea culpa.

Ha ha I was right about the Celtic thing! I had a class about Celtic art and I recognized the armor immediately, but I wasn't sure if that was your intention. I'm glad it was because that's super cool.

Wait those lines aren't even from photoshop? Dayum you are magic. I am going to follow your GO art for sure (even though you will probably never notice because of the aforementioned lurking) starting with your awesome thwarting icon.


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