Massive Fic Post

Nov 04, 2007 00:35

I’ve only been a Doctor Who fan for three and a half months now, but in that short time period, I’ve gathered a large collection of favorite fan fics. The only problem with having such a large collection of fics is that it’s hard to keep it organized. Mine has been especially difficult because it includes fics from three different sites--LJ, Teaspoon, and (yes, I know). While each of those sites has their own way of allowing users to keep track of things, in addition to browser bookmarks, it wasn’t enough. I needed something more centralized.

The solution? A big post on LJ with all of the links I’ve collected, as I’ve seen others do, with room for details on each fic-something I couldn’t do before. And, since I was doing a lot of work on something that was just for me, I thought I’d go ahead and make it public.

This isn’t necessarily a rec list, since I don’t put down specific reasons for each fic’s presence, but I will say this: I enjoyed every one of these stories, and I encourage you to check them out. Maybe you’ll find something you like (even if it’s from

One last thing before we get down to the list: Spoilers. The fics on this list contain everything from Old Who info all the way up to speculation/confirmed spoilers for New Who S4. It's organized first by Old/New Who, then by Doctor, then by season, and finally by episode or relative time frame. (Exception: anything that’s been contradicted by canon or breaks away from canon is labeled ‘AU’, and is placed in a separate section. Same goes for stories that feature more than one Doctor--they go in the 'multi-era' section.) So, if you're avoiding a particular season or episode, you should be able to do so fairly easily. There are no guarantees, though. Don't yell at me if you inadvertently spoil yourself!

-This list is almost exclusively focused on Ten, although I have a few stories featuring other Doctors. There’s also a definite bias toward Doctor/Rose, since, well, I’m a D/R shipper, but you’ll find other pairings as well-even a Ten/Martha or two.
-The "Genre" category isn't exact. Since most of the fics listed do not have something of that nature listed, I've put down how I would classify the fic. Some classifications are rather...non-standard, shall we say--"crackish" and "sad fluff" being two examples.

Old Who

Title: "A Hand in the Dark"
Author: rollingstone
Time Frame: Sometime in Sarah Jane’s time with Four
Characters/Pairings: Four/Sarah Jane
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Character Study, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection, Drama
Summary: "On a planet of nearly perpetual night, Sarah must race across dangerous grasslands to find help for the critically wounded Doctor."

Title: "Combien de Temps" WIP
Author: etherati
Time Frame: Sometime in Sarah Jane’s time with Four
Characters: Four, Sarah Jane
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action/Adventure, Mystery, Angst, Drama, Introspection
Summary: Sarah Jane and the Doctor are pulled out of the Vortex and onto a devastated planet whose inhabitants lie in the streets, blood running from their eyes. The two of them are caught up by the force that caused the devastation. Sarah Jane is freed with the Doctor’s assistance, but now she must find a way to free him as he keeps the perpetrators occupied.

Old Who AU

Title: "The Winter of Her Discontent"
Author: LilacFree
Time Frame: AU of 'The Five Doctors'
Characters/Pairings: Five/Tegan, Turlough, Leela, canon Time Lords, OCs
Type: Multi-chapter epic, link goes to index
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama
Summary: At the end of 'The Five Doctors', the Doctor is named President of the High Council. In canon, unwilling to be burdened with the responsibility, he refuses the appointment and flees Gallifrey in the TARDIS. What if he decided to take it instead? Told from Tegan’s POV.

New Who


Title: "Welcome to Your Life"
Author: Avoria
Time Frame: From 'Rose' to 'Parting of the Ways'
Characters/Pairings: Nine/Rose, Adam, Jack
Type: Episode tag/missing scene
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Angst, Fluff, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Character Study
Summary: The Doctor and Rose, with the occasional guest star, in between their televised adventures in Seasons 1.

Title: "What is Love"
Author: dark_aegis/Gillian Taylor
Time Frame: Post-'Dalek'
Characters/Pairings: Nine/Rose, Barbara, Ian, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Leela, Tegan, Peri, Ace, audio companion Charley Pollard
Type: Multi-chapter fic, link goes to index
Rating: PG
Genre: Introspective
Summary: "What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love?" Spurred on by the Dalek’s words, the Doctor goes on a quest to find out the meaning of love.

Title: "After Life"
Author: Amy Wolf
Time Frame: during 'The Christmas Invasion'
Characters/Pairings: Doctors One through Ten, mentions of Rose and Jackie
Type: Multi-chapter fic, link goes to index
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Drama, Introspection, Character Study
Summary: The Doctor has a bit of mental housekeeping to do before he can finish regenerating.

Title: "Formulating A Regeneration"
Author: Pbantonox
Time Frame: during the regeneration scene at the end of 'Parting of the Ways'
Characters/Pairings: Nine, Ten (briefly), the TARDIS
Type: Missing scene
Rating: G
Genre: Character study, Introspection
Summary: Regeneration isn’t a smooth process, especially for the Doctor. The TARDIS lends him a hand.


Title: "The Last Act of the Time War is..."
Author: versaphile
Time Frame: Spans from the end of 'Parting of the Ways' to 'LotTL'
Characters: Nine (for a short time), Ten, Rose, Martha, Jack, Simm!Master
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG bordering on PG-13
Genre: Introspection, Angst, Drama
Summary: The events of S2 through the end of 'LotTL' and a bit beyond, from the Doctor's POV.

Title: "Life as You Know It" WIP
Author: Avoria
Time Frame: From 'The Christmas Invasion' to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Mickey, Jackie, Reinette
Type: Multi-chapter fic, link to index
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama, Angst, Fluff, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Character Study
Summary: The Doctor and Rose, along with Mickey, in between their televised adventures in S2.

Title: "All Through the Night"
Author: owlyscribblings
Time Frame: Post-'The Christmas Invasion'
Characters: Ten, Rose, Jackie, Mickey
Type: Episode missing scene/tag
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Christmas dinner’s over, and everyone’s gone to bed or fallen asleep, even the Doctor. Rose looks after him.

Title: You Spin Me Right 'Round Baby"
Author: misssara11
Time Frame: A few days post-'The Christmas Invasion'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Jackie, Mickey
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Humor
Summary: Rose and the newly regenerated Doctor play foosball, and take a step beyond "just best mates".

Title: "Familiarity Breeds..."
Author: faythbrady
Time Frame: Post-'The Christmas Invasion'
Characters: Ten, Rose, and some UST
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Summary: The newly regenerated Doctor goes from one type of frustrated to another as Rose helps him shave his new face. (It's not as dirty as it sounds, honestly!)

Title: "Heroes Fall"
Author: dark_aegis/Gillian Taylor
Time Frame: Post-'Parting of the Ways'
Characters: Ten, Rose, Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Everything has its time, even the Doctor. But, as an old friend reminds him, some things live on.

Title: "Last Dance"
Author: wmr
Time Frame: Post-'The Christmas Invasion'
Character/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Jackie/Pete
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: G
Genre: Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Jackie has something to ask of the Doctor.

Title: "The Ritual of Tea"
Author: measi
Time Frame: Post-'Rise of the Cybermen'/'The Age of Steel'
Characters: Ten, Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Introspection, Fluff
Summary: The ritual of tea provides the Doctor with an opportunity to talk.

Title: "Slip Up"
Author: larielromeniel
Time Frame: Just prior to 'The Idiot's Lantern'
Characters: Four, Ten, Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: G
Genre: Gen
Summary: Rose falls through time and has a short adventure with one of the Doctor's previous incarnations.

Title: "Foresight"
Author: rubychan05
Time Frame: In between 'The Impossible Planet'/'The Satan Pit' and 'Fear Her', with a jump to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen, Fluff, Angst
Summary: The Doctor and Rose get a peek at what lies ahead, but don't really understand until it's too late.

Title: "Incurable"
Author: rosa_acicularis
Time Frame: Post-'Love and Monsters'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Summary: "After the events of 'Love and Monsters', Rose has a question. The Doctor may or may not have an answer."

Title: "Benumbed"
Author: Darcie
Time Frame: Sometime in S2, prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters: Ten, Rose
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: The Doctor and Rose end up taking a trip into a planet’s war-torn past in order to save its children in the present.

Title: "Used to Be Fantastic"
Author: Darcie
Time Frame: Sometime in S2, prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters: Ten, Rose
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: PG
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Rose’s life hangs in the balance as the Doctor must help rid a world of an insect plague and a deadly virus.

Title: "Vision"
Author: Darcie
Time Frame: Sometime in S2, prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters: Ten, Rose
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: G
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: As usual, a trip to a quiet alien planet takes a bad turn. Rose must look after the Doctor after an accident.

Title: "The Scientist"
Author: Joely Jo
Time Frame: Sometime in S2, prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: Multi-chapter PWP, link goes to chapter index
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Drama, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Rose comes into contact with a telepathic plant, prompting some discussion and demonstration of Time Lord sex.

Title: "Wool"
Author: reina_isabella
Time Frame: Sometime in S2 prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Rose happens upon the Doctor’s old scarf in the wardrobe.

Title: "Domesticity"
Author: imsanehonest
Time Frame: Sometime in S2, prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Jackie
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection
Summary: The Doctor saved Rose from berserk Christmas trees in 'The Christmas Invasion'. Now he needs her to save him from Jackie Tyler’s wrath.

Title: "A Hiccup or Two Ago"
Author: humansrsuperior
Time Frame: Sometime in S2, prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, brief cameo (via a phone call) by Jackie
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humor, Fluff
Summary: Time Lords get the hiccups too…and have just as much trouble getting rid of them.

Title: "Ko-herence"
Author: faythbrady
Time Frame: Sometime in S2, prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Humor
Summary: Rose looks after a less-than coherent ill Doctor.

Title: "The Oncoming Tongue"
Author: dark_aegis
Time Frame: Sometime in S2 prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters: Ten, Rose, cameo by Jackie.
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Slightly Crackish, Humor
Summary: The Doctor regenerated with a bit of a licking fetish that has a habit of popping up at really inappropriate times...

Title: "In Remembrance"
Author: faythbrady
Time Frame: Sometime in S2, prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten, Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff
Summary: "There is more than one way to remember something and he wants to make sure that he never forgets anything important."

Title: "The Troubles of Domestic"
Author: miladyhawke
Time Frame: Sometime in S2 prior to 'Doomsday'.
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose.
Type: One-shot
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The TARDIS makes an emergency landing in 30th century New New York after getting scraped up in the Vortex. The Doctor and Rose are forced to live the life domestic for several months as she repairs herself. While there "...the Doctor learns that there is trouble, and salvation, in living the domestic."

Title: "Symmetry", and its sequels, "When the Universe is Sleeping" and "Chasing Stars"
Author: miss_jen_b
Time Frame: Sometime in S2 prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: Trilogy
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: R
Summary: The Doctor and Rose explore their relationship and become closer to one another.

Title: "A Very Hospitable Species"
Author: platypus
Time Frame: Mid to late S2
Characters/Pairing: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: M
Genre: Romance, Smut
Summary: The Doctor and Rose go to a festival, and one of them ends up falling prey to an aphrodisiac in their drink. A more serious take on the fic cliché of "We have been exposed to sex pollen/food/wine/chemical/air/big glowy rock."

Title: "Quaff"
Author: chicklet73
Time Frame: Sometimes in S2, prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Summary: Rose and the Doctor have a little chemistry-related fun...

Title: "In the Mood"
Author: rosa_acicularis
Time Frame: Sometime in S2 prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairing: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crackish, Romance, Humor
Summary: Rose becomes temporarily asexual. The Doctor is greatly disturbed.

Title: "The Lonely Gods"
Author: _usakeh_
Time Frame: Sometime in S2, prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters: Ten, Rose, the TARDIS
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Gen, Angst
Summary: The death of the TARDIS' home planet allows the Doctor to mourn for his own.

Title: "Human in Me"
Author: revolution25
Time Frame: Sometime in S2, prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, OC
Type: Multi-chaptered fic; link goes to final chapter
Rating: R for the first chapter, PG for the second
Genre: Angst, Action/Adventure, Smut
Summary: While on an adventure in 1930s London, the Doctor finds a bit of his past, and learns to deal with the human in him.

Title: Untitled
Author: imaginary_iby
Time Frame: Sometime in S2 before 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, OCs
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Romance
Summary: Rose shows the Doctor that "the curse of the Time Lords" isn't quite as exclusive as it he makes it out to be.

Title: "There is Always Something There to Remind Me"
Author: carlisle_coop
Time Frame: Sometime in S2, prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Jackie
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to last chapter
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Summary: Rose's cousin's wedding educates the Doctor as to the importance of gestures to humans, and inspires him to make one of his own--something he really shouldn't do while his intended recipient is driving.

Title: "A Shot to the Heart"
Author: faythbrady
Time Frame: Sometime in S2 prior to 'Doomsday'
Character/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Adventure, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: An adventure in Robin Hood's England ends much the same way as 'The Shakespeare Code' did--with an arrow sticking out of something. This time, it's not the TARDIS.

Title: "Light Touch"
Author: tabula_x_rasa
Time Frame: Sometime in S2 prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: R
Genre: Romance, Smut
Summary: The Doctor and Rose get drunk on "not champagne", and Rose takes things to the next level.

Title: "Set in Stone"
Author: Patrice J
Time Frame: Sometime in S2 prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to first chapter
Genre: Mystery, Angst
Rating: PG
Summary: "The Doctor and Rose stumble into a mystery from which there may be no return…"

Title: "A Speech, A Concert and A Cup of Tea"
Author: firefaery2
Time Frame: Sometime in S2 prior to 'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Jackie, Mickey, Shireen
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff
Summary: The Doctor and Rose visit Jackie and get roped into going to the pub for a night of drinking. Rose discovers that the Doctor can’t sing or hold his liquor.

Title: "Love is Not a Victory March"
Author: asimus
Time Frame: Through S2, ending post-'The Runaway Bride'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Angst, "sad fluff" (If there wasn't such a thing before, there is now)
Summary: Snippets of Doctor/Rose, inspired by Jeff Buckley's version of 'Hallelujah'.

Title: "Tea and Sympathy"
Author: avidbeader
Time Frame: just prior to the beach scene in 'Doomsday'
Characters: Ten, Sarah Jane, K-9
Type: Episode missing scene
Rating: G
Genre: Angst, Introspection
Summary: The Doctor goes to see Sarah Jane after losing Rose.

Title: "Change and Crumbled Concrete"
Author: ava_leigh_fitz
Time Frame: Post-'Doomsday' and beyond
Characters: Rose, mentions of Mickey, Jake, Jackie, Pete, her sister, and Ten
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama, Angst, Action/Adventure
Summary: The journey from Rose Tyler, the Doctor's plus one, to Rose Tyler, Defender of the Earth.

Title: "Vagaries of Life"
Author: malaleen
Time Frame: Pete's World post-'Doomsday', and beyond
Characters/Pairings: Rose/Peter Carlisle, Pete, Jackie, Mickey, Alt!Gwen, Alt!Jack, Alt!Nine, Alt!Martha, Alt!Ten
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to final chapter
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Angst, Romance, Adventure, Fluff. X-over with Blackpool
Summary: "Sometimes, when you least expect it, life changes and becomes nothing you’d ever dreamed, but everything you ever wanted. Rose finds life and love after the Doctor."

Title: "The Way of Things" WIP, updated every Monday and Thursday
Author: jlrpuck/shrak
Time Frame: Pete's World post-'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Rose/Peter Carlisle, Mickey, Jake, various OCs
Type: Multi-chaptered epic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: NC-17, by this point, though it varies by chapter
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Angst, Romance. X-over with Blackpool
Summary: "A post-Doomsday story, set in the Alt!Verse. It's been over three years since Rose and the Doctor said goodbye. What happens when she not only meets his doppelganger, but has to work with him?"

Title: "A Fantastic Life"
Author: paiger1218
Time Frame: Sometime post-'Doomsday'-beyond that, it’s vague.
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, and a baby
Type: One-shot
Rating: G
Genre: Fluffy as cotton candy
Summary: The Doctor, having been reunited with Rose only a short time before, bonds with his newborn son and embraces the slow path.

Title: "Tardus Semita"
Author: jcd1013
Time Frame: Post-'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Summary: "Living the slow path means facing the fact that someday, he’ll lose her."

Title: "Looking For A Tomorrow" WIP
Author: jinxed_wood
Time Frame: Post-'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose (implied), Tara Maclay/Willow...(?), Buffy Summers, Anya, Xander...(?)
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to most recently posted chapter
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, Action/Adventure. X-over with Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Summary: The Doctor, still acutely feeling the effects of 'Doomsday', gets caught up in an adventure in Sunnydale with the Scoobies.

Title: "Homecoming" WIP
Author: chicklet73
Time Frame: Post-'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: Multi-chapter fic, link goes to most recently posted chapter
Rating: R
Genre: Romance, Angst, Mystery
Summary: "Rose and the Doctor are reunited, resulting not in 'happy ending' but in 'lots of unanswered questions'. Where’s the Doctor’s shoe? And for that matter, the TARDIS? What is he hiding? Or who might he be hiding from? Something's not right..."

Title: "Serendipity"
Author: countrygirl_914
Time Frame: Post-'Doomsday'
Characters: Ten, Rose
Type: One-shot
Genre: Fluff with a touch of angst
Rating: PG
Summary: "You can’t always get what you want…but if you try sometimes, you get what you need." --The Rolling Stones

Title: "Horse and Carriage"
Author: starxd_sparrow
Time Frame: Post-'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, OCs
Type: One-shot
Genre: Crack, Humor, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Two weddings, two wedding guests, and one wedding crasher. And crab puffs!"

Title: "Forms"
Author: reina_isabella
Time Frame: Ten is by himself, so possibly post-'The Runaway Bride', or post-'Voyage of the Damned'
Characters: Ten, the TARDIS
Type: One-shot
Rating: G
Genre: Gen
Summary: Even Time Lords aren't above the law. Parked in a no-parking zone, the TARDIS gets towed.

Title: "Eyes on a Moon of Blindness" and its sequel, "The Ground Beneath Her Feet"
Author: E.A. Week
Time Frame: Ten is by himself, so possibly post-‘Doomsday’, or post-‘Voyage of the Damned’
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Erika (Reinette), Selene, Michael Corvin
Type: Multi-chapter fic
Rating: M
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural. X-over with the movie Underworld
Summary: "The Tenth Doctor is caught up in the deadly war between vampires and werewolves."


Title: "Ties", "Observation", "Tingles", "Genetic Transfer", "Callback", "Acknowledgement"
Author: bana05
Time Frame: During 'Smith and Jones'
Characters: Ten, Martha
Type: Episode tag/filler (loose "series" of illustrated episode fillers for 'Smith and Jones')
Rating: G
Genre: Action/Adventure
Summary: 'Smith and Jones' from the Doctor's and Martha's POV.

Title: "Refuge"
Author: purplebug/Paranoid Seat
Time Frame: early S3, written before most of the season had aired
Character/Pairings: Ten, Martha
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Summary: Trips with the Doctor rarely go well. Hypothermia is just par for the course.

Title: "Human-Shaped"
Author: versaphile
Time Frame: Post-'42'
Characters/Pairings: Ten, Martha; one-sided Ten/Martha
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst
Summary: The Doctor deals (badly) with the Time War-related guilt and grief his possession by the living sun stirred up. Martha does what she can, but in the end, there really isn't anything she can do.

Title: "Harvest"
Author: sensiblecat
Time Frame: During 'Blink'
Characters: Ten, Martha, OCs
Type: Episode missing scene(s)
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen
Summary: A glimpse into a possible scenario of the Doctor and Martha's life in 1969.

Title: "Ozymandias in Hell"
Author: ponygirl
Time Frame: Sometime in S3 prior to 'Utopia'
Characters/Pairings: One through Ten, Martha
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Genre: Angst, Drama
Summary: The Doctor and Martha get caught in a trap left over from the Time War, and must work together to free themselves from its effects.

Title: "Pittsburgh, October 1, 1955"
Author: neadods
Time Frame: Sometime in S3, prior to 'Utopia'
Characters: Ten, Martha, guest-starring a famous figure from Earth's medical history
Type: One-shot
Rating: G
Genre: Gen
Summary: "What would a medical student really want if she could travel in all of history?"

Title: "I've Got You Under My Skin"
Author: nostalgia_lj
Time Frame: Sometime in S3 prior to 'Utopia'
Characters: Ten, Martha
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13 bordering on R
Genre: Slightly crackish, Humor
Summary: The Doctor and Martha get body-swapped. Investigation of certain body parts and a wacky conversation ensues.

Title: "A Day That Martha Jones Refuses to Acknowledge"
Author: ladyyueh
Time Frame: During the gap between 'TSoD' and 'LotTL'
Characters: Martha, Doctors Gregory House and James Wilson
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Gen. X-over with House, M.D.
Summary: Stopping in America on her journey around the world, Martha Jones meets the infamous Dr. House of Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital.

Title: "Why the World Spins Backwards"
Author: starxd_sparrow
Time Frame: Post-'LotTL'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Jackie, Nine, Jack
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Drama
Summary: Ten finds himself continually drawn back to the Powell Estate, and runs into Rose at various points in her life each time.

Title: "White Noise"
Author: versaphile
Time Frame: Toward the end of 'LotTL'
Characters: Eight, Nine, Ten, a dead Simm!Master.
Type: Tag to 'LotTL'
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Introspection
Summary: An exploration of the Master's death scene and the emptiness in the Doctor's head caused by the demise of the Time Lords.

Title: "Heat Tolerance" WIP
Author: Adalia Zandra
Time Frame: "To attempt to squeeze it into S3 canon, let’s say there’s a lot of time for the three of them in between the resolution of events on the Valiant and the scenes at the end of the episode, where Jack and Martha both leave."
Characters: Ten, Martha, Jack
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Drama, Introspection, Hurt/Comfort,
Summary: There’s a very good reason why the Doctor’s avoided hot places since the business with the living sun in '42'. An ordinary sightseeing trip gets off to a bad start, then goes from bad to worse.

Title: "Aftermath"
Author: Adalia Zandra
Time Frame: Post-'LotTL'
Characters/Pairings: Ten, Sarah Jane
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Introspection, Hurt/Comfort, Character Study
Summary: After the Year That Never Was, the Doctor visits Sarah Jane.

Title: "March Twigs"
Author: versaphile
Time Frame: Post-'LotTL'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Jack, Jack/Ianto, Torchwood
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: The Doctor visits Jack and ends up finding a piece of Gallifrey in Torchwood's archives.

Title: "Polestar"
Author: dameruth
Time Frame: Post-'LotTL'
Characters and Pairings: Ten/Jack, Rose and Nine in a flashback
Type: One-shot
Rating: G
Genre: Introspection, sad fluff
Summary: Ten and Jack take a trip to Woman Wept, do some contemplation, exchange comfort, and end up doing a bit of dancing--of the literal kind, not metaphorical.

Title: "Wishing for the Impossible"
Author: humansrsuperior
Time Frame: Sometime after the end of S3 and the start of S4
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Angst, sad fluff
Summary: The Doctor, fresh from the events of 'LotTL', goes back to see Rose, intending only to observe from afar, but ends up giving her a good look at his future without her.

Title: "One Year After"
Author: trobadora
Time Frame: One year post-'LotTL'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Jack, implied Ten/Simm!Master
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst
Summary: It's been a year since the end of "the year that never was". The Doctor finally lets himself grieve, with a little push from Jack.

Title: "Hello, Doctor"
Author: shaggydogstail
Time Frame: Sometime post-S3, during Martha's time with Torchwood
Characters: Martha, Toshiko Sato, Gwen Cooper, Jack, cameo by Ten (by phone)
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humor
Summary: Martha, Tosh, and Gwen get pissed after a long day's work, and decide to engage in a bit of phone pranking. Their target: the Doctor.

Title: "Predestination Parenting"
Author: purple_bug/Paranoid Seat
Time Frame: During S4 (Ten and Donna); during 'Blink' (Ten, Martha, Ian, Barbara)
Characters: Ten, Donna, Ian, Barbara, Martha
Type: One-shot
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Summary: The Doctor and Donna find an orphan baby on their travels, and find him a nice home in '60s Britain-with Ian and Barbara. Four years later, the Doctor and Martha, stranded in 1969, come looking for a place to stay…

Title: "The Bridge"
Author: scythethewicked
Time Frame: Unknown, presumably after Martha returns in S4
Characters: Ten, Martha, appearances by future regenerations
Type: One-shot
Rating: R, perhaps even NC-17
Genre: Horror, extremely dark and disturbing
Summary: "In a small town in modern day Mississippi, a local teenager recalls the horrid story of a lynching in the Depression Era South and the terrible miracle and tragedy that followed."

Title: "You" and its sequel, "Stream of Consciousness"
Author: javabreeze
Time Frame: post-S4
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose
Type: One-shot
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Summary: "Rose and the Doctor have a long awaited encounter."

Title: "Crying Over Gallifrey"
Author: who_la_hoop
Time Frame: well beyond S3/S4
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, mentions of Jackie, Pete, Mickey, past/future companions
Type: One-shot
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, Smut, Angst
Summary: The Doctor, after many trials and tribulations, finds his way into Pete’s World, and reunites with Rose.

New Who AU

Title: "The Time Traveler's Wife"
Author: emmy_bemmy
Time Frame: Impossible to know, really. I’ll just put it under AU
Characters/Pairings: various Doctors and companions, Doctor/unknown female (could be Rose, could be someone else)
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: This one sort of defies classification...Supernatural/sci fi?
Summary: The Doctor and Rose, in the style of The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.

Title: "The Greatest of These"
Author: dark_aegis
Time Frame: AU after 'The Long Game'
Characters: Nine (briefly), Ten, Rose
Type: Multi-chapter fic, link goes to final chapter
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Action/Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Drama
Summary: "When you seem to have lost everything, how do you move on?"

Title: "Call Home"
Author: wmr
Time Frame: post-'The Christmas Invasion', written shortly before S2 aired, so AU
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose/Jack
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: The recovered Doctor and Rose, believing that Jack died on the Game Station, head off on new adventures. Jack, believing that the Doctor set off the Delta wave and that Rose is still stranded on Earth, calls her to say goodbye.

Title: "The Oft Dark Path of Dreams"
Author: SCAngel
Time Frame: AU from the end of 'Parting of the Ways',
Characters/Pairings: Doctor/Rose, Jack, Jackie, Mickey, Sarah Jane, Harriet Jones, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, John Benton
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst, Drama, Action/Adventure, Smut
Summary: The Doctor didn’t take the Vortex from Rose at the end of 'Parting of the Ways '. The consequences of his decision, and how things were different as a result.

Title: "The Facets-verse"
Author: padawanpooh
Time Frame: Post-'Parting of the Ways', written prior to the airing of 'The Christmas Invasion', so AU
Characters/Pairings: Doctors One through Ten, Doctor/Rose, Jackie
Type: Several multi-chapter stories and one shots; link goes to series index
Rating: PG-13, except for "Sapphire", which is M
Genre: Action/Adventure, Character Study, Drama, Humor, Introspection, Romance
Summary: Rose travels through time on a mission to save the Doctor, meeting each of his previous selves, and "becomes more than she ever dreamed…"

Title: "After the Parting"
Author: wmr
Time Frame: Post-'The Christmas Invasion', but written prior to the airing of S2, so AU
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose/Jack, Harriet Jones, cameo by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Back on the road again after 'The Christmas Invasion', the Doctor comes across Jack’s name in files related to Torchwood, and decides to pay him a visit…

Title: "Kiss It Better"
Author: wmr
Time Frame: AU post-'The Christmas Invasion'
Characters/Pairings: Doctor/Jack, Nine/Ten, mention of Doctor/Rose
Type: One-shot
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Smut
Summary: A week after the Sycorax invasion, the newly regenerated Doctor is visited by his previous incarnation, and some loose ends (aka Jack) are taken care of.

Title: "Controlled, Altered, Deleted"
Author: wmr
Time Frame: At least post-'Tooth and Claw', but written before the airing of 'Doomsday'/Torchwood, so AU
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose/Jack
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: While on a fact-gathering mission on Torchwood (breaking into Torchwood headquarters in London and hacking the computers), the Doctor and Rose run into Cybermen, and a familiar face.

Title: "The Slow Path, or Two and a Half Centuries in Two and a Half Days"
Author: Amy Wolf
Time Frame: AU of 'Girl in the Fireplace'
Characters/Pairings: Ten, Rose, Mickey, Reinette, Jackie, guest appearances by various historical figures
Type: Multi-chapter fic, link goes to chapter index
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Romance
Summary: The Doctor wasn’t able to get back to Mickey and Rose at the end of 'Girl in the Fireplace '. How Mickey and Rose got home, and what the Doctor did in his two hundred and forty-seven years of exile.

Title: "If You See Me Running, Find Some Gloves"
Author: amchau
Time Frame: AU S2 (Jack is on the TARDIS with Ten and Rose.)
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Jack, Rose, the TARDIS
Type: One-shot
Rating: I'd say it rates PG-13.
Genre: Completely crack! Sex, snark, and silliness
Summary: The Doctor and Jack get it on, Rose has to listen, and the TARDIS gives the Doctor attitude.

Title: "The Timepiece"
Author: humansrsuperior
Time Frame: "Late Season 2 or AU S3, however you wish to look at it"
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, John Smith/Joan Redfern, basically everyone from the two episodes mentioned
Type: Multi-chapter fic, link goes to the first half of the final chapter
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama
Summary: Rose, not Martha, must look after the human Doctor and watch John Smith fall in love with Joan Redfern.

Title: "Purgatory"
Authors: chicklet73 and doona_rose
Time Frame: AU 'Doomsday' (written before the episode aired)
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Jack, Jackie
Type: Multi-chapter fic, link goes to the final chapter
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Drama, Introspection
Summary: An alternate look at 'Doomsday'--"what if the Doctor didn’t know what happened to Rose? What if he had to admit she’d died? Could he? Or would he search for her forever?"

Title: "The Domestic Approach"
Author: rebelsaint
Time Frame: Post an AU 'Doomsday' ending (do I even need to say what’s different?)
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, a baby
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff
Summary: "The Doctor has a newfound obsession with drawing."

Title: "Earthbound"
Author: Every Little Breeze
Time Frame: AU 'Doomsday' ending, and beyond
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Sarah Jane, Luke, OCs
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, Romance, Introspection
Summary: "A slightly different take on post-Doomsday. What if the breach had closed a few seconds earlier? What if they were together ... but still trapped? Just how possible is happily-ever-after if the 'one adventure the Doctor could never have' is one he's forced into? "

Title: "Nobody's a Long Time"
Author: sweetestdrain
Time Frame: Post-'Doomsday', written before 'The Runaway Bride' aired, so AU
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Jack
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13, for the end
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Romance
Summary: The Doctor and Jack run into one another while dealing with some aliens causing trouble in Blackpool.

Title: "Inertia"
Author: mrv3000
Time Frame: Post-'Doomsday', but written before S3 aired, so AU S3
Characters/Pairings: Ten, Alt!Nine, Rose, Jackie, Alt!Pete, Martha, Jack, Jake, Mickey
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance
Summary: In Pete’s World, Rose runs into someone she thought she’d never see again, while back in our universe, the Face of Boe finally tells the Doctor his great secret…

Title: "Heartless"
Author: reina_isabella
Time Frame: Post-'Doomsday', but written before S3 aired, so AU S3
Characters/Pairings: Ten/TARDIS (sort of), Jack/Ianto, Ten/Jack, Torchwood
Type: Multi-chapter fic, link goes to the final chapter
Rating: NC-17 for the first chapter, PG-13 for the rest
Genre: Angst, Action/Adventure, Romance, Smut
Summary: It's another day at the Hub--Gwen and Owen are bickering, Ianto tries to get a growingly-irritated Jack to intercede, the pterodactyl won't shut up, and doing whatever Tosh usually does. Well, normal except for the mysterious woman who keeps appearing and disappearing, asking for Jack...

Title: "Tales from the Findersverse"
Author: dameruth/DameRuth
Time Frame: post-'Doomsday' AU
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose/Jack, Mickey, Nine, others
Type: Series
Ratings: Ranging from G to PG-13 ("Consequences", "Sweet Dreams", and "The Wolf and the Storm")
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Character Study, Fluff, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection, Romance
Summary: The Doctor, Rose, and Jack, together again.

Title: "Sense"
Author: Adalia Zandra
Time Frame: Post-'Doomsday', AU S3
Characters/: Ten/Rose/Jack (friendship more than anything else), Jackie, Mickey
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: "One by one they left him, increasingly cut off, alone, in the silence and the dark, until only touch remained… touch, and pain."

Title: "Theories Of"
Author: pyrebi
Time Frame: Post-'Doomsday', AU S3
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose/Jack
Type: One-shot
Genre: Drama, Introspection
Rating: PG
Summary: "He stared. She stared. He was glad he was already sitting."

Title: "The Process of Becoming"
Author: kalleah/Kalleah
Time Frame: From post-'Fear Her' ("The Calm Before the Storm") to post-'Doomsday' and beyond. Goes AU in "Voyages of Discovery".
Type: Series; link goes to series index
Rating: G to R ("The Calm Before the Storm") to M ("Voyages of Discovery", "Complicity")
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection, Romance
Summary: '"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death." - Anais Nin'

Title: "Reunited"
Author: aibhinn
Time Frame: Goes AU from the end of Torchwood’s 'End of Days' and from some time in Doctor Who S3 post 'The Lazarus Experiment'
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Rose/Ten, Torchwood
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Ratings: M
Genre: Angst, Drama, Introspection, Hurt/Comfort, Smut
Summary: "The Rift is much more active than it was, and has been disgorging aliens and out-of-time people at an alarming rate… including one person Jack never expected to see again."

Title: "Causing Trouble"
Author: entilzha
Time Frame: post-'Doomsday', sometime in S3. AU
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Martha, Jack, Torchwood Cardiff, Jackie, Pete, Mickey
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: M
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure
Summary: The Rift’s started opening and spitting out objects. The barriers between our world and Pete’s World have started to weaken and flux. The Doctor and the Torchwoods in both universes must work together to right things, and make sure everything, including people, is in its rightful universe.

Title: "Mercy" WIP (probably abandoned)
Author: SCAngel
Time Frame: post-'Doomsday', begun prior to the airing of 'The Runaway Bride', so AU
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, Jack, Romana (III?), other Time Lords, Jackie, Pete, Mickey
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: R
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance
Summary: "What if the Universe gave as much as it took away? Would the results be beyond anything imaginable?"

Title: "A Helping Hand"
Author: illman
Time Frame: AU ending for 'Smith and Jones'
Characters: Ten, Martha
Type: Episode missing scene
Rating: G
Genre: Gen, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: The Doctor and Martha take a slightly different route to Martha’s first trip in the TARDIS.

Title: "The Destroyer"
Author: wmr
Time Frame: AU post-'Human Nature'/'Family of Blood'
Characters: Ten, Martha, Jack, mentions of past companions
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Introspection
Summary: "I break everyone who gets close to me."

Title: "Nothing But Flowers"
Author: Vali
Time Frame: "Takes place any time after "Gridlock" that you see fit." AU
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Martha
Type: One-shot
Rating: M
Genre/Warnings: Angst, BDSM, Drama, Introspection, Smut, Character Study
Summary: "There's flowers, sex and breakfast in bed, but the honeymoon's still over."

Title: "Loophole"
Author: Adalia Zandra
Time Frame: AU from the start of 'The Sound of Drums' through 'Last of the Time Lords'
Characters/Pairings: Ten, Jack, Martha, Simm!Master
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to chapter index
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, Drama, Horror, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: The events of 'The Sound of Drums' go a little differently--and the only way of stopping the Master might break both the Doctor and Jack…

Title: "Game Over"
Author: versaphile/versaphile
Time Frame: AU 'Last of the Time Lords'
Characters/Pairings: Simm!Master/Ten, Jack, Martha, the Joneses, the Face of Boe (disregards certain revelations about his identity), Lucy Saxon, OCs
Type: Series; link goes to series index
Rating: M
Genre: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection
Summary: The Doctor’s plan at the end of 'Last of the Time Lords' failed. Nothing now stands between the Master and his visions of a new Gallifrey and Time Lord empire…

Title: "The End of All Things"
Author: selskia
Time Frame: AU post-'Last of the Time Lords'
Characters/Pairings: Simm!Master/Ten, Martha, Jack
Type: One-shot
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Drama, Angst, Horror
Summary: The Doctor decides that he won't let the Master get away that easily...but by saving him, he damns himself (and the universe) in the process.

Title: "The Ongoing Storm"
Author: scarfman
Time Frame: AU post-'Last of the Time Lords'
Characters/Pairings: Ten, Simm!Master, Donna, Martha, and a surprise pairing
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Crackish, Humor
Summary: Martha calls the Doctor for another adventure, but she didn't expect to find it as soon as she stepped on board the TARDIS!

Title: "Precious Little Space Dumplings of Love"
Author: shaggydogstail
Time Frame: AU post-'Last of the Time Lords'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Simm!Master
Type: One-shot
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Total and complete crack, Humor, Smut
Summary: The Master and Doctor get into a spot of trouble and end up having to pretend to be married in order to get out of it. Back in the TARDIS, things get a bit heated...

Title: "Autumn"
Author: poisonedcake
Time Frame: AU post-'Last of the Time Lords'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Simm!Master
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13 bordering on R (it’d be a full 'R' if the two of them went any further, but…)
Genre: Adventure, Fluff (the Master’s twisted sort of fluff, to be honest)
Summary: The Doctor and Master go for a swim that, like most of the Doctor’s adventures, turns out to be a bit more than just that.

Title: "Sympathy for the Devil"
Author: E.A. Week
Time Frame: AU of 'Last of the Time Lords' from the final scene on the Valiant to the very end of the episode
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Simm!Master, Jack, Martha, OCs
Type: Multi-chapter fic
Rating: M
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Angst, Introspection, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: "The Doctor is determined to find the meaning of the drums the Master claims to hear in his mind. The truth may be more than either of them had bargained for."

Title: "Parallax"
Author: Vali
Time Frame: very AU post-'Last of the Time Lords'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Simm!Master, mentions of past Doctor/Master
Type: One-shot
Rating: very M
Genre/Warnings: Angst, BDSM, Introspection, Romance, Satire, Smut
Summary: "The Doctor and the Master have a mutually revealing encounter on a very strange planet."

Title: "Home"
Author: Gatekeeper
Time Frame: Post-S3 but will disregard S4, so AU
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose, brief appearance by an Original Companion
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to first chapter
Genre: Angst, Adventure/Action, Drama, Romance,
Rating: PG
Summary: "Everyone deserves the chance to go back."


Title: "Dating in the Workplace"
Author: purple_bug/Paranoid Seat
Time Frame: Multiple eras--One through Seven
Characters/Pairings: Too many to list here--the full list is available in the comments of the fic
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crackish, Romance
Summary: The hazards of having romantic relationships in the TARDIS--catching the participants in the act, the awkward aftermath, and continually running into Jack Harkness.

Title: "Anniversary in Pearl"
Author: kiwimouse
Characters/Pairings: Doctor/Sarah Jane, Luke, Rose
Time Frame: Sometime in Sarah Jane’s time with Four, during 'School Reunion ', post- 'Last of the Time Lords ', and beyond
Type: One-shot
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst, Character Study, Introspection, Romance
Summary: "Thirty years ago by her reckoning, Sarah Jane was married. She's kept track of her anniversary ever since."

Title: "April is the Cruelest Month"
Author: kiwimouse
Characters/Pairings: Four, Ten/Sarah Jane
Time Frame: during 'School Reunion', prior to the tag scene
Type: Episode missing scene
Rating: G
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Contrary to what Sarah Jane said, the Doctor did come back for her…thirty years too late.

Title: "A Most Ingenious Pair of Docs"
Author: kitsunealyc
Time Frame: post-'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Rose/Nine
Type: Multi-chapter fic; link goes to the chapter index
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, Smut, Angst, Drama, Fluff
Summary: "It takes more than one Time Lord to pierce the void. Lucky for Rose, there are two who are willing to take the risk."

Title: "Coming Around"
Author: measi
Time Frame: Post-'Doomsday'
Characters/Pairings: Nine/Rose, brief cameo by Eight. Mentions of and brief appearances by audio companion Fitz Kreiner.
Type: One-shot
Genre: Angst, Drama, Smut
Rating: R
Summary: The Doctor, right after the destruction of Gallifrey, crash-lands at Bad Wolf Bay. Rose helps him put the TARDIS, and himself, back together.

Title: "It Also Travels in Time"
Author: cyropi
Time Frame: Post-'The Runaway Bride' (although it was written before the ep aired, it's vague enough that it can still fit into canon, so it's not AU)
Character/Pairings: Nine, Ten, surprise pairing
Type: One-shot
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, Introspection
Summary: Time does not flow in a straight line. Sometimes it loops, and while a particular event has already happened for one person, it has yet to happen for another. The Doctor must complete a causal loop.


massive fic post, doctor who

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