(no subject)

May 28, 2005 23:53

My day to day life has been pretty dull. I work, I come home. It's all right though. I've been enjoying a lot of family time, seeing my cousins fairly often, and even a bit of golf. Dad and I went out on Monday, Victoria Day. On Thursday I went to a wedding shower. That was definitely a party...

Yesterday I went in to the city after work. I visited David for a bit and then picked up Sonny. We went to Polo Park and I bought a CD (The Darkness) and a DVD (Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights) at HMV before we went to see Episode III (second time for me, first for him). After the movie we headed down to the West End Cultural Center for The Downfall show. We got there to hear the last three songs by Damascus, which I didn't really enjoy. We had already completely missed one band, but next up was The Downfall, which suited me all right. I really love seeing them. I don't have much tolerance for just listening to their music, or really any in the genre, but seeing them is somehow just a totally different thing. I like seeing how technical they are and how incredibly fast they move. Their stage banter is also fun. They didn't tell any jokes at this show though. That was too bad. After The Downfall, Sonny and I made a 7-11 run (I choked on some celery at the wedding shower and my throat hurts a lot so I went to buy Halls - that should teach me for eating vegetables). We got back and talked to Danny and some people outside. Jaw played next and they weren't really very good either so we left about 3 or 4 songs in. I brought Sonny home and on the way home I went through the hardest thing in my life.

I was heading down Stafford and I was just past Grant when a guy came running out into the street. He passed through the two lanes of northbound traffic that were still stopped at the light, which had just turned green, but I had already made it through the intersection. I slammed on the brakes but couldn't completely stop, and I hit him with the front corner of the car. It was so surreal and while it was happening I just thought "This must be a dream". I got out of the car, and so did a lady who saw it all happen. A guy behind me called 911 and we all waited for the ambulance. The police got there first, really quickly, though it felt like forever. They took the guy away in the ambulance and took statements from all three of us. The lady was heading northbound and she had seen this guy being beat up by a group of guys on the east side of the street. He got away and ran right into the street.
When I drove home yesterday - because I did have to come back to Altona that night yet - it was still just really surreal. I couldn't believe it. This afternoon I actually had to internalize it and I started to freak out, replaying it all in my head. I just kept picturing the sound and the feeling of him, and how he bounced up and went flying. I spoke to a counsellor yesterday who helped talk me through it, and that was really really good. She encouraged me to write about it ("use whatever comes naturally to you") and how I feel about it. I spent all my time since I talked to her this afternoon sleeping, and now I woke up at midnight feeling like I really had to write about this now. I wasn't going to tell anyone about this at all, because I felt so bad and guilty, even though everyone said it wasn't my fault, but I decided that I have to be open and honest about this. I'm not really good with feelings and that makes this even harder. The police and everyone was really really nice about it, but it's a really difficult thing to work through. I could really use prayers, if you think of it.

Praise God for his grace.
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