Arashi: GQMFs

Apr 29, 2010 19:31

Went out to get Popolo and An-an today and spotted Arashi on the cover of the June edition of GQ. Thought I'd share the scans since I've not seen them posted anywhere yet!



♣ 8 scans

♣ Download from Megaupload:

♣ Sendspace:

♣ Mediafire:

♣ No need to credit if you use them in graphics. Feel free to share, just don't claim as your own.

♣ If anyone has problems with Megaupload, I can do a Sendspace upload too. Just let me know!
[Sendspace link added!]


Bonus gifs... just because. I'm in a sharing mood ;)

Momo/Straw OTP?


EDIT: I just realised there's a teeny preview picture on the contents page which shows the cover shot with no text. It really is tiny, but it might be nice to use for icons or something, so I'll post it here

arashi, scans

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