Another short and icon-ish post

Feb 22, 2007 21:32

Hmm, my journal's so boring nowadays. Nothing much to say really.. same old life.
School's normal, except for me being so behind in graphics that I may have to work solidly for three years to make up all the work... ^___^;; Gah, oh well. I don't mind! Art's pretty hard at the moment too.. I have.. 3 weeks now? I think. Until everything has to be done. I'm nowhere nearrrr! Haha, what an idiot. Serves me right for not doing any work & making icons and watching Lost & the Mighty Boosh instead. I know my priorities! ;)

One of my best ever friends who I grew up with came for a visit today which was really great. She moved away when I was 6 and she was 7 but we're still pretty close. We ate some doughnuts and muffins and had a nice catch-up. Yep, it was fun!

My Dad just called asking if I knew where his mp3 player was. He had no idea, and I was able to tell him over the phone where it was, even though I've not been at his house since sunday. How sad is that? *sighs* Whaaat an idiot.

Oh, yeah, so tomorrow is 6th form day, where all us Year 11's come in as sixth formers and take sample lessons and stuff. It should be interesting. I'm down for English, Art, French, ICT & Science for the public understanding. (Yeah, I know...)
The only ones out of those that I actually plan on doing in 6th form are English & French.. but I'm just intrested in what the others will be like. I'm pretty decided on English Language, English Lit, French and History, so I thought it would be a waste of a day if I took all of those as a sample. ICT and Art are the other two lessons I would keep as back ups, so I just want to see what's what. And as for Science For The Public Understanding... I took that as a joke, really. I thought it sounded pretty funny. I'm kinda worried about the class though. The only person I know in the class is Matt Smith. Jenny's there too, but I don't think she'll be coming in. Meh, what the hell. Oh, and I only know Ollie in my ICT class. & He'll probably be stoned as hell and no use at all.

Anyway, the point of this post was a graphics post I think!

Here we go:



Naboo, that's who :)

General Boosh:

Aaand a banner:


Charlie :)

~Credit-Comment-Enjoy~ ^___^

6th form day, lost banners, boring entry, boosh icons

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