Cue the lights and get the popcorn ready...
"Devoted X-Files fans have been waiting nearly 14 years for new episodes. The dream finally comes true with the arrival of six new episodes premiering next week. While this is obviously cause for celebration, let’s not forget where all that excitement comes from: the original series. Creator and executive producer Chris Carter hasn’t forgotten the show’s glory days, as he proves with The Essential X-Files Collection, a marathon of 20 classic episodes hand-picked by Carter himself, which kicks off
on Saturday at 11am on SPACE in Canada".
The following episodes have been scheduled…
Saturday, January 23
11am Pilot
12pm Deep Throat
1pm Squeeze
2pm Ice
3pm Beyond the Sea
4pm Erienmayer Flask
5pm The Host
6pm Duane Barry
7pm Humbug
8pm Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose
Sunday, January 24
11am Jose Chung’s From Outer Space
12pm Home
1pm Musings of A Cigarette Smoking Man
2pm Memento Mori
3pm Small Potatoes
4pm The Post-Modern Prometheus
5pm Bad Blood
6pm Triangle
7pm Milagro
8pm X-Cops
I watched and thoroughly enjoyed X-Files during the course of its original run. I can’t say as I remember all the episodes vividly but I do know that my two favourites - the super creepy ‘Home’ and the black-and-white classic ‘The Post-Modern Prometheus’ - will be airing on Sunday. \o/
If you have never watched the X-Files (what’s wrong with you???) I highly recommend viewing at the very least, those two episodes. I plan on watching most, if not all of this marathon and I am really looking forward to seeing if the series stands the test of time. I expect it will. X-Files is the ground-breaking parent to the generation of supernatural cop shows that dominate the networks these days…That said, before X-Files was Kolchak: The Night Stalker and although it only aired for one full season Kolchak will go down as one of my all-time favourite television series. (of course, you can also go back further to trace the genre’s origins in shows like The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits and even further back to the radio shows, but alas, I digress…)