My fate lies in the hands of Entertainment Weekly. Which cover will I, as a subscriber, be receiving next week?
For the record, I'm just happy that aGoT is on the cover and I'll be fine with either one... who am I kidding, I want the Cersei/Jaime (aka the Lannister Twincest duo) cover. I just wish it would arrive already.
To top off the confusion, EW is running a poll asking which cover is your favourite. The voting so far:
- Tyrion = 38.83% (I'd give it extra bonus points just cause he has the 'hand' in the pic)
- Dany = 36.69% (I'm guessing people are voting for the dragon!!)
- Jon = 17.62% (he is too clean in this pic...Jon needs to be dirty to be enjoyable...nice, ahem, 'sword', though...and I'm certain he knows where to put it)
- Cersei/Jaime = 8.85% (err, ummm, well I guess I'm of the minority here...If you wanted to put a couple on the cover, perhaps Loras/Renly would have been a more appealing option?? *raises eyebrow*)