December 31, 2007. FINALLY. The new year can’t come soon enough IMO. It was a crappy year. With
niviene being sick it has definitely been the worst holiday season since I was living at home (and I shudder just to think of those days as well *cringes*). It didn’t help knowing that it is going to be followed by 2008 - yet another year of me being in debt. I’m sorry if I sound like I’m complaining or bitching but I just am so sick and tired of having NO money. I can’t do anything. I can’t be the person I want to be…or should be. At least 2008 ushers in the last full year of DMP. One more year and it’s over. OVER. So here is my horoscope for 2008.
“Saturn, as it settles into your sector of the zodiac, will make you ever more conscious of a duty you have to fulfill and a promise you need to honour. It is a role you absolutely have to play in shaping the future of a key situation. Events will fly past you like scenery viewed from a plane as it hurtles down the runway toward the moment of an exhilarating takeoff.”
Yep, tell me something I don’t already know… *rolls eyes*. I've tried to make it simple for myself this year. There is only one resolution on my list (aside from the obvious - eat healthy, workout regularly, etc.) - and that is to become more learned. The biggest goal for 2008: survive one more final full year of DMP.
Best wishes to all for a Happy New Year!