I have many reasons to be annoyed today. First off, I've had coffee three days in a row. I had managed to go three weeks without coffee except for the wee cup on Sunday mornings with breakfast which honestly shouldn't count and was getting along just fine, but now I'm screwed. Why oh why Michael did you have to bring in coffee for the office? *shakes already shaking fist* Before Michael had arrived, I was enjoying organic white tea, for the very first time. It was delectable. And then the coffee!!! GAHHHH
Secondly, The Amazing Race, whatever cycle we may be at right now, is down to the final three and, I'm sorry to say, Dustin and Kandice were eliminated last night. Sure they weren't perfect but I actually liked them. They were ruthless and used their assets to the best of their ability to play and succeed in the game. After all, isn't that what these teams are supposed to do??? Of the trio of teams left, I hope James and Tyler win. I have to admit I wasn't too into The Race this season but from what I have seen, the boys are decent and deserve to win. One thing really bothers me about The Race - I can't stand it when teams get pissed off if they get 'yielded'. Oh please!! LIke you wouldn't do the same if the situation was reversed. *rolls eyes* Bring back BJ & Tyler!!! Meanwhile over on the finale of American's Next Top Model, which will take place this Wednesday night, the twins have both been eliminated. I'm not sure what they are thinking on that show. Neither Melrose, Caridee or Eugenia stand out IMO. Blah!!! It should have come down to the two twins in the final. Oh well. On to book reviews now...
The Last Templar - so I've been reading this book for the past half week and it is absolutely riveting. I couldn't put it down. It is on par with Angels and Demons and The Confessor. I loved the way the author intermixed two very famous and very controversial theories involving Christianity and the Templars into this novel. But then I reached the ending...and discovered that the author caved in, providing his readers with a 'safe' and' controversial-free' finale . OK honestly I surmised that the book would have to end the way it did, but that doesn't make it any less disappointing . I was hoping there was some way around that ending - that somehow, with some creativity, it could be avoided. But alas, so much for veritas vos liberabit. P.S. If I were the Vatican I would be hiring some author to write a controversial novel that actually makes the Catholic church look like the good guys for a change. The poor Vatican has been taking quite a beating of late in the world of bestelling fiction. Anyhow, memorable quotes to follow in a future post. On to The Canterbury Papers...which leads to my next semi-rant.
I wanted to read The Pope's Daughter next but once I picked it up, I was surprised to discover it was an actual biography rather than historical fiction. Don't get me wrong, I am still very much interested in Felice della Rovere's biography...I just don't read biography the way I read fiction. Fiction is for light reading, on the bus, as I commute to and from work - bio's are more for reference reading which tends to happen sporadically while I'm at home. I need fiction right now to take me to my week off at Christmas. Hence,
The Canterbury Papers. I just wish I had more of a background in 12th century English/French history. The book includes a brief historical preface which helps with the backstory but I think I'll need to polish off my bio of Eleanor of Aquitaine to guide me through. And...yay, more Templars in this novel. Reminds me of one of my favourite quotes from The Last Templar - that the Templars are "archaeological porn". veritas *naughty grin*