I was quite disappointed with the American Idol results this week. Granted Bucky was never going to be in the final two, but DANG, I will still miss his thighs him and his incomprehensible anecdotes. How many more weeks till Chris wins???
Amazing Race damn near gave me a heart attack last night. BJ and Tyler MUST win. They are the lords of reality TV and should be more than justly rewarded for their entertaining and magnanimous demeanor. I must admit that I had quite a dream about the two of them last night. Probably stemmed from
this pic. Don’t even ask. And I’ll spare the gory details. However, I just want to point out that
Niviene and I are looking for dates for Pagan Pride and cordially invite the boys to join us. I’m certain they’d fit right in.
The contestants on this ninth cycle of the Amazing Race should be thankful as they have certainly had the best travel itinerary of the various seasons - visiting Russia, Germany, Italy (Sicily and Rome), Greece and next up is the Middle East. Lucky bastards.
Finally, joy of joys, my RM assignment is at last complete - a tidy little five page essay ready to hand in at tonight’s last class. We have a guest speaker. Should be quite the snoozefest rather stimulating. The final exam is a take-home essay due next Thursday and is totally relevant to what I am putting together for work. Yay - I get to kill two birds with one stone. I can’t wait till it’s over. Next up is Conservation and Preservation. After that class do you think they might let me work on some of those fragile scrolls from the Library of Herculaneum?? I’m certain completing one 6 week course at George Brown College will qualify me for that lofty assignment. O_o