Sep 22, 2004 18:49
Finally I get some time to do a posting and with my exciting life there is absolutely nothing to report *shrugs* In fact, the most intriguing incident since Sunday was me bodychecking a poor unsuspecting soul who happened to be in my path as I caught sight of the Ladder 49 promo poster, which, I might add, was conveniently posted at my southbound bus stop on Don Mills - I guess I won’t be going home via Eglinton for a few of weeks now. Ah, the powers of suggestive marketing.
Even though I shouldn’t complain of the joy having Joaquin Phoenix staring at me from my bus stop every day, there is also a degree of sorrow. I am reminded of my failure as a fan having been oblivious to the fact that he was on Oprah on Monday. I find this out on Tuesday *wahhh*. John Travolta was on with Joaquin to promote the aforementioned Ladder 49. Therefore I likely didn’t miss much. After all, for her Troy Brad Pitt Hour promo show with Brad, Eric & Orlando, she spent maybe 5-10 minutes max talking to Eric and Orli (via video)- meanwhile she spent the remainder of the show worshiping the god that is Brad Pitt. I have NO objection to the accolades and attention she bestowed upon his Achillesness as he richly deserved them. I do however have a problem with the fact that, as a host, she should ensure all guests have fair and equal time like they do on Leno or Letterman. Oprah has a lot to learn.
Speaking of learning, I did learn from my mistake and methodically scrutinized the upcoming guest list for all tv talk shows. Joaquin will be doing the promo thing on Letterman Sept 29 and Conan Oct 1. *fangirl squee* Have posted reminders in my calendar and look forward to the late-night coffee addiction.
Work …transfers…foolish…should be able to play wherever they want…waste of time…no transfers needed…*grumbles*
I did go in to work early today so that I could leave early to make it home in time to see Gwen on Ellen Degeneres. She was her usual I-may-not-perfect-but-I-am-pretty-damn-close self. Actually she really looks great since she had the baby - in fact, she looks younger and sweeter (if that is possible). That reminds me, comments on the perfection that is Sky Captain are still due to my Live Journal (in the very not so near future, I promise)
Amazing Race is over. Actually it was over about three weeks ago when Myrna and Charla got the boot. Chip and Kim won. Oh well, between an asshole, an idiot and a religious devotee how is one really supposed to pick a favourite? Sadly, and I can’t believe I am going to say this, I think Colin and Christie deserved the win. Colin was the most organized and methodical player ever to have played the game. He displayed some qualities that I completely admire and respect in a Machiavellian, imperial sort of way. A little more effort, a few hours reading The Prince, a good posse to do his dirty work and back him financially and this guy will go far.
Must complete some homework tonight - Apollo please inspire at your earliest convenience.
amazing race,