How to Improve your twitter campaign participiaction

Nov 02, 2011 23:23

What is trending? Please click here to find a description what trending is

What is a hash tag?

1) Un-protect your tweets (at least temporarly for the campaign)
Protected tweets will not appear in the twitter search and therefore will also not be counted for trending. Also unprotected tweets can be re-tweetet easier (You came up with a great tweet and want others to enjoy them?).
If you want to be followed back by other philes be sure to un-protect your tweets before attending any twitter campaign.

How to un-protect your tweets:

Log in into your twitter account.
Go to
Scroll down to the Tweet Privacy option. Be sure the box is unchecked. Click on save if you unprotected your tweets by un-checking the box. Be also sure that you have the "Mark my media as containing sensitive content" unchecked.

2) Can you hear me?
Be sure to add a mention (like @20thcenturyfox) to any important tweet. If you follow 20thcentury Fox this will appear as an Mention on their time line. If 20th Century Fox hasn't followed you back you won't be able to see  those @mentions in their time line. More on @mentions/replies can be found here

3) Fight the Future
Since you may have other things to do on the day of the campaign (like marrying, sleeping, eating or the like) you may want to check out services like Twaiter, Twutter or Future Tweets to queue your tweets.

4) Cross-posting Check
Be sure to add the hash tag in the beginning of your text. Since the shortened link to your facebook, tumblr account needs also to be added to your tweet (usually automatically) you have less then the 140 characters and your hash tag may be omitted. You may have only around 100 characters for your tweet...

5) Who monitors the birds?
You can check the impact on pages like trendsmap,,

6) With a little help from my friends
Lend a neighbourly hand. you may know of some struggling  fandom that is running twitter campaigns to get their thing trending. Offer them to trend their hash tag in exchange for them trending yours (of course only when their campaign is not on the same day +/-1 day as yours)

7) Keep tweeting asynchronously
Sure, the main goal of the campaign is to get a hash tag trending within a short period of time. But since one times high may be ignored by monitoring software it's important to have the hash tag appear regularly so the impact is higher.

11-21, hashtag, @mention, the things we do for love, twitter, xf3, believe in the future campaign

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