
Jan 05, 2014 18:53

I´d really like to rec something for

Only, I haven´t come upon anything suitable recently. It´s not that I haven´t read good fic, I have, and plenty, it´s just that I seem to be not able to find anything new that would make me go "Omigod, so great!"

I suppose the real reason is that I´m kind of tired of my fandoms lately. I have pretty much over-dozed on everything and every pairing - Teen Wolf most of all. And while the genfics catch and hold my interest better there seem to be not many of them.

Or am I just looking in the wrong places? I mean, how do you even go about searching for fics or fic recs these days? I have some authors whose bookmarks (hey Pinboard!) I follow, and the search for "most kudos" on AO3 gives you things people have read and liked, but the era of well maintained and regularly updated personal reclists seems to be over. Or has moved to Tumblr, which is a platform I can´t figure out how to navigate. How do you even search for things there? Thank heavens for
bestthingever and

I´ve been rereading a lot of old favourites recently. There are some though, that I have considered and then decided not to read again (coughearly2000sanimempregscough), mainly because I remember liking them a lot at the time. I´ve decided that having found memories of enjoying them is far better than trying to read them again. Growing up is a terrible thing - it seriously narrows the field of enjoyable fanfics! Ah, the times when I was able to open and read and like most of the fics posted to any fandom... It´s a problem with original fiction, too. I´m still bitter that the current obsession with supernatural romance (vampires! werewolves!) did not begin fifteen years earlier. Even ten would have been nice. But no, all I had was Anita Blake and the author who consider bodystocking sexy. And I got through eight of those books before calling it quits.

My life, so hard. :)

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