Love in it's own special way

Jan 27, 2012 15:33

I'm trying so hard to change my ways. If not for everything else he does for me than this alone is the reason I need to love and be faithful to my boyfriend always.

"Here, ya go baby.
Punk rock love, our way.

punk rock love is seeing the dwarves and fear on your first date. punk rock love is drinking whipped cream vodka outta the bottle in a del taco parking lot near the club. punk rock love is diving headfirst into a sea of combat boots to grab her ring. Punk rock love is driving 5 hours just to see her. Punk rock love is lying about how you guys met. Punk rock love is her saying she'll take the bus to you, as long as you get her back that night… or preferably the morning. Punk rock love is her looking more badass in your sleeveless than you do. punk rock love is her stealing pins off your leather, and putting them on hers. punk rock love is sharing books, cuz you're the only two people that still read. punk rock love is her asking if you need pot, cuz she'll steal some from her dad. punk rock love is quoting suburbia together.  punk rock love is having a constant battle over if thunders or dee dee is the coolest person ever."

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