Heh. Didn't expect to be making another Heroes post so soon. But the idea grabbed me, so...
Title: I Know You're There
lady1ravenFandom: Heroes
Characters: HRG
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: An HRG drabble. "Show yourself, Claude."
Bennet stares at nothing. "Show yourself, Claude."
He listens to the silence. Imagines that Claude is sitting nearby, or standing in the corner, or standing in front of him, mere inches away.
He suppresses the urge to reach out, to feel for Claude. Unless he actually touched Claude- his heart rate quickens at that thought- it would ruin his menacingly calm look.
"I know you're there."
After a few minutes, Bennet gives up. He feels foolish for talking to an empty room, but he doesn't mind. He's used to it.
He's done this every day for the last seven years.