BSG/Veronica Mars crossover?

Mar 25, 2007 23:35

No, no.  It's not happening, I was just trying to get your attention and at a loss for a subject line.  I'm not reacting to tonight's BSG just yet because... yeah.  Need some processing time.

And yeah, 9 frakkin months?  As one of my viewing buddies pointed out, "We could have a baby in that time!"  Though none of us are planning it.

Anyway, it turns out my viewing buds discovered Veronica Mars over the weekend and watched all of Season 1.  So the commercial breaks were mostly spent squeeing over VM and deciding we will use VM dvd's to get us through the painful and long hiatus.  The discussion prompted a few interesting quotes I feel I should share with you all rather than investing the time revising my paper.  So for posterity...

Colleen:  And Kristen Bell is so frakking adorable.
Rosalia:  I kinda want to be her.
Colleen:  She kind of reminds me of your roommate.
Dulce:  Only half her height.  And not as mean. 
Colleen:  She's mini-Siobhan.
Dulce:  And to my knowledge no one's tried to kill her recently...
Rosalia:  Why do you think your fire alarm's been beeping?
(I realize after typing that it's not that funny.  But I've typed it, so why delete.)

Colleen:  Didn't you say they say "frak" on that show?
Dulce:  Not till Season 3, I think.
Rosalia:  That's when the cylons invade.

Rosalia:  I love Weevil!
Dulce:  I kinda want a Weevil.
Rosalia:  Don't we all.
Colleen:  But where would you put him?  Would you really want someone around who chronically wants to tap that?
Rosalia:  Yeah, I imagine he doesn't store well.
Dulce:  I don't care.  I'd let him live in my basement.  It's sound proofed.
(I'm not entirely sure why, but my last statement amused my buds so much they were still giggling about it when they left)

buds, bsg, veronica mars

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