Oct 07, 2006 03:03
(some point early on)
S: Oh my stars and garters! That's Asa!
D: I know! He's back for the first time since like-
S: 2003!
D: And David's on today too.
S: Yay! It's an all star funeral extravaganza!
(the first glimpse she gets of Evangeline)
S: I hate her so much! I just want to punch her in the face.
D: We all do. At least she's not singing. I was worried they'd have her sing at the funeral since they like to have her sing whenever possible, but it looks like we're safe. (I know, I know, I shoulda known better)
(as Eve hands the flag to Natalie)
S: Here dear, you take it. It goes with your decor better.
D: And I have one already...
(as the Evil one begins singing)
D: No. Oh please don't. No
S: NO! You do NOT hip-hop-icize "Oh Danny Boy"! No!
D: Way to kill the scene.
S: Yeah. I was actually starting to be moved. I have to leave the room now, I'm sorry, I can't take this.
(and she did)