(no subject)

Apr 04, 2013 20:13

I know I have not posted any more of these screencaps...I don't know why, I've been trying to stay afloat for a long time, and yeesh, it's been more than a year since I posted the last chapter! So last time, it was the start of a big, epic climax and things get a bit more intense from there. (Although in some cases, it was almost a lot stranger...) First image is hidden as it's a little NSFW...

To break from that tender (And uncomfortable) moment, the Fuckening is still taking place...

...and Fabious quickly realizes he's in trouble.

So is it up to Thadeous to save the day?

"JUMPING!" (I'm betting Loki would do the same thing...)

Unfortunately, Fabious didn't count on one thing in this showdown...

...the two moons eclipse...



Thadeous tries to free Belladonna....

...who's still under the 'oversexed' spell...

...and Fabious is defenseless against someone that KNOWS HOW TO THROW PLASMA BOLTS.

Things look very dire for him, as SImon squawks with concern...

... and Isabel tries to hold off the attack from the witches. "Next time you want to smash a bloodline of knights, make sure you kill all of them!"



As the witches are killed, the spell over Belladonna is broken.

But before she's set free by Thadeous...

...Leezar is not letting her go...

...and the prince is standing up for his brother's fiancee.

Yeah, this isn't going anywhere good.

Until Fabious finally comes to save the day!

"You fool! I cannot be slain by mortal blade! One must possess the poweful-"

"I know..."


"It's not possible..."

Evil is destroyed.(2)

Or, should I say, 'rubbed out'?

Our happy ending begins as Fabious and Belladonna are reunited.

Thadeous feels accomplished....

...and wants Isabel to join him at the palace.

However, she has to turn him down this time, as she's needed for an ambush.

So he decides to give her his trophy. Uh.... (3)

"Um, I don't want that thing touching me..." O_O

After a polite refusal, they share a goodbye kiss...

...and she is on her way.

1. Some specualtion of if the three witches are the same person only split into three...or are they absorbing each other in the battle? Hmm...

2. The original ending had Leezar surviving, but since he was never able to sire the dragon, he ends up laying the egg, a dragon hatches, torches his face, Thadeous has a bond with it and then just kills it. No, I'm not screencapping that. The reason is that it was just too disgusting to even get an R rating, so it ended up in the extras. Though it's become canon for some of us fanfic writers...

3. In the dark ages, phalluses were considered good luck charms and soldiers wore them when they were in battle...well, not REAL ones, that is...

And the next one is the last one!!! But I did find this video where Anthrax member and "I Love -insert topic here-" commentator Scott Ian visits Spectral Motion, the effects house responsible for the creatures in this movie. They're even playing around with Simon here. :)

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NSFW (Gore)


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