1:19-After hearing about how his father made a deal with King Midas, I'm wondering if this is Marigold...
Story Unfortunately, being turned to gold for a short while didn't help her personality.
2:53-I like this Snow White. Of course, having to flee the castle from a jealous stepmother, you'd have no choice but to live in the woods and begin a life of thievery. :)
2:58-And not afraid to bash someone in the head with a rock. :)
3:25-Okay, apparently they changed Mary Margaret from being a nun to a regular girl who's lonely. Even though I'm thinking if she was, she would not have taken final vows as she's on a date. BTW, she's out with Dr. Whale. If he is a fairytale person, my thoughts would be that he'd be the little mermaid's prince. I don't think he'd be Monstro from "Pinocchio", because that would be way too far fetched.
3:49-He's staring at Ruby's ass in those hot pants. Yeah, this date is over.
4:47-"This town doesn't seem to have any vacancies." Hmmm...
5:22-Mary Margaret offers a spare room at her place to Emma. Let's hope she takes it. :)
9:57-And now things get interesting....
10:30-And now Dr. Whale is telling her she's imagined it. Which is probably...
11:33-...all her doing, of course.
14:42-I'm glad they didn't work in the line "They just can't get my nose right!"
16:26-Now he's missing? How could that have happened?
16:52-And now Regina is here, mad as ever. And now she's admitted he was his emergency contact as he was found unconscious on the side of the road years ago...which is pretty suspicious considering what happens to people who try to leave...
18:09-Sleepy is the hospital security guard (Which is probably not the best job for him, IMO) and Grumpy is the janitor. With a drinking problem.
18:47-So he woke up and walked out...where, though?
19:29-Apparently, some types of fairy dust are dangerous (Like the kind in her vial), although I wonder if some types have tried snorting it...
(Hey, I SAID I was going to get snarky about this!)
19:53-I think we also know what she intends to do with said fairy dust, but it'll probably not happen.
21:32-And she pushes him into the river to get away from him...
22:13-...only to find trouble with the Evil Queen's soldiers. (Seriously, is it just me or do a lot of the baddies on the show kinda resemble VK guys?)
23:31-Even though Henry's eager to help, he's getting in deeper and deeper trouble with Regina. Yeah, this isn't going to end well for him...
23:56-And in the Enchanted Forest, Snow is about to get her heart cut out until someone comes to rescue her! Good thing he didn't drown.
25:10-And he saved her yet again...but there's the matter of getting the jewels back. From trolls.
26:34-A bloody hospital bracelet...this can't be good.
27:49-And of course, trolls live under bridges...and look like Orcs. This is NOT going to go well.
30:28-But we all knew that fairy dust was never going to be used on the Evil Queen. It does fulfill the 'easily squishable form' promise. :)
31:28-After three episodes, his name is revealed to be James. :)
31:52-Yeah, nice pun.
32:52-Now it's HER turn to wake him up...
34:11-...only to get a rude awakening from Regina. It seems like he's married to a woman named Kathryn, whose fairytale self happens to be Marigold.
35:05-Back in the Enchanted Forest, even though James and Snow have to part, something tells us they won't stay away from one another for long. We just have to wait to see what happens between now and when he kissed her in the glass coffin.
36:39-So now we know his real world identity is David Nolan. Also, Henry's been grounded as of late. (Which isn't surprising.)
37:25-Kathryn tells them he walked out after an argument a few years ago. However, even though she wanted to make amends, she never bothered to look for him...which is quite suspicious.
37:42-And that fact is not lost on Emma, who is quite suspicious...
38:14-Dr. Whale informs them David may be conscious. but he still has amnesia. Although will he remember anything real from either life?!
39:00-Henry isn't fooled. He tells Mary Margaret he's convinced David was looking for her and went to the woods due to his fairy tale memories.
39:36-And Emma tells Regina she's suspicious of Mrs. Nolan popping out of nowhere. And the fact Regina was the emergency contact...is it a scheme to stop Mary Margaret and David from realizing who they really are?
40:32-Now Regina claims David was calling out for Kathryn due to past security tapes...except, how could she know that when there's no sound on the security tapes?
41:05-But there is one sincere thing she admits...she's grateful to have Henry. (Although she hardly shows it...)
41:33-Despite all that's happened, we see David look at Mary Margaret....and she has the ring from the Enchanted Forest! How'd that happen?
42:10-Looks like Emma's taken Mary Margaret up on the roommate offer. :)