Title: The Apple is the Key
Author: La Donna Errante
Pairing/Character: Ted Mosby, Barney Stinson
Word Count: 99
Rating: PG
Summary: Barney gives Ted another 'scientific' piece of dating advice. Humor/genfic
Disclaimer: Don't own the HIMYM characters.
Author's Notes: Drabble written in response to the prompts "apple" and "key" randomly drawn from a hat
The Apple is the Key
Ted walked back to the table dejected.
“She didn’t even look at me twice. I don’t get it.”
“How many times have I told you Ted? The Apple is the Key.”
Ted scoffed.
“I’m serious. It’s the Adam’s Apple Principle. A man’s hotness is directly proportional to the size of his Adam’s Apple. You can’t deny simple evolutionary science. As you can see from this chart: The larger the caveman’s bump, the more cave chicks he banged. Your Adam’s apple is just far too small to be attractive to the females of any highly evolved species.”