Drabble: The Apple is the Key

Jan 31, 2011 12:08

Title: The Apple is the Key
Author: La Donna Errante
Pairing/Character: Ted Mosby, Barney Stinson
Word Count: 99
Rating: PG
Summary: Barney gives Ted another 'scientific' piece of dating advice. Humor/genfic
Disclaimer: Don't own the HIMYM characters. 
Author's Notes:  Drabble written in response to the prompts "apple" and "key" randomly drawn from a hat

The Apple is the Key

Ted walked back to the table dejected.

“She didn’t even look at me twice. I don’t get it.”

“How many times have I told you Ted? The Apple is the Key.”

Ted scoffed.

“I’m serious. It’s the Adam’s Apple Principle. A man’s hotness is directly proportional to the size of his Adam’s Apple. You can’t deny simple evolutionary science. As you can see from this chart: The larger the caveman’s bump, the more cave chicks he banged. Your Adam’s apple is just far too small to be attractive to the females of any highly evolved species.”

ted, barney

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