Oct 24, 2004 22:09
damn, why does the girl from coyote ugly look IDENTICAL to my 11th grade english teacher? that's crazy. they actually kind of sound alike too..lmao, not that ya'll care ;x I finally got my damn voters registration card...i was about to be TIGHT, because i'll be damned if i not do anything about bush remaining in office. All the shit he's done to this country? ya'll would be crazy if you didnt rush to the damn polls too.
Man, i went to the state fair yesterday (damn..thats real country..huh). Ya girl made a big splash...these country boys looooovvvvveeeee them some angie ;DDD It was PACKED, homie. There was a big NC state game, plus it was the last saturday that the fair was in town. It was bananas (sorry..i cant stop saying it ;x). ;DDDDDD woah..i got to gooooo, law + order SVU is on ;D