This time tomorrow, I'll be winging out of Melbourne on my jaunt to
Denvention, followed by the Writers of the Future XXIV celebration, and capped off with a launch of The Force Unleashed.
(Speaking of which,
here's the first review, and
here's a quick interview about the joy of writing for computer games. Thanks, Graeme!)
I'll be back on the 21st and attending
Terra-Nova on the 23rd, so if you're in Adelaide and can't afford Worldcon, come there instead. :-)
I have some big news for September but will save that for another day, once it's all locked down. A hint, though: it has nothing to do with Judas Priest and Bill Bailey (both of which I have tickets for, though). Friends in Perth and Queensland can expect a visit.
To close with news from further afield, I'm very pleased to have found a home for
"The Seventh Letter" in Czech magazine Pevnost. The missing "g" throughout the story will be translated into a missing "d", thus changing the title to "The Fourth Letter". Maybe it's just me, but I reckon that's way cool.
PS. I'll try to post and keep up with email while I'm gone, but please forgive me if I'm tardy.
PPS. Devo tonight! Woohoo!
PPPS. ETA two more reprints: The Crooked Letter (6th) and Heirs of Earth (3rd), both in Australia.
Listening to: Altus - Subspherical