My Freedom: Prompt fourteen

Jul 24, 2008 12:10

Today's Blog Prompt says: " What artistic technique do you love but not use often? What Artistic technique intimidates you? Maybe you'll find an expert in that technique reads your blogs and can comment with tips for you."

Technique: n. knowledge of established theory and practice connected with some activity; skill based on systematic application of accepted principles; method in execution [Fr. from Gk]

So now I know what technique means I can tell you that free machine embroidery is one artistic technique that I love but don't use often. It requires far too much patience for me to do it. I love the effects that expert machine embroiderers can create and I marvel at their ability to see how to start and where to stitch to create some of the most stunning embroidery.

The technique that intimidates me ... There are so many things I haven't tried so I don't know any that intimidate me. There are some that I have tried and I probably won't do again because I am not good enough at it to satisfy me. Most things require practise and constant exercise to maintain expertise and unless I can enjoy it while I practise I will soon find something else to do. I love to paint watercolours but I am not as good as I want to be. My granddaughter thinks I am brilliant so I'll stick to painting smiley faces and christmas trees and stick figures with her until she is old enough to realise that I am not a world shattering artist and by that time I could be a great grandmother and be able to start all over again.
Art in any form doesn't intimidate me, how can it? It is a form of expression and only the artist can intimidate. I stay away from artists that try to do that and no technique could possibly scare me. I'll try any technique to see if I want to do it more often, but intimidated - not me.
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