A ME ME that's funny

Dec 12, 2007 00:22

Go to the Wikipedia home page and click random article. That is your band's name.
Click random article again; that is your album name.
Click random article 12 more times; those are the tracks on your album

Band: Joseph Hart
Debut Album: Lake Elton

1. Noctuinae
2. Fragile Things
3. Fogg Brook
4. TACA Flight 110
5. History of East Carolina UNiversity
6. Chacra Mesa
7. Punishment Park
8. Mohideen Baig
9. Emperor Tomato Ketchup
10. Olympic Hockey Centre
11. Nenagh Guardian
12. Eucrypta

This kind of looks like something that the Mothers of Invention rejected although Punishment Park feels like it ought to be a film score. Mohideen baig is pronounced Mary Brown although the song is sung in the original Irish (perhaps not the Mothers then, unless that's why it was rejected) and why a fire engine should require a guardian (Neenagh, neenagh) I am not sure but haven't listened to that track yet.
I now feel that I should go back and discover what the things really are LOL! Mr M thought this was good although he was still puzzling the lights on the christmas tree puzzle here


I gave up
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