Another book on its way to a new reader

Oct 11, 2007 10:49

I have now had four books mooched off me on bookmooch! For some reason I find this really exciting. Does this mean that my life is so dull and humdrum that someone requesting a book from me causes such great excitement? I think it is because I am getting my old love of life back. I wasn't aware that I had lost it, not really. I keep telling Mr M that I must be getting better and he has, until now, just nodded and said "yes,you are".
I have assumed that he was humouring me and that I hadn't really been that bad, but now I can really see that I have been floundering in the deepest darkest pit EVER! thinking that it was bottomless. Now I seem to have stretched out my legs and realised that if I stop clinging to the sides and stand up it is only waist deep!
I have that feeling you get after a long winter when the dawn comes a little earlier and the sun sets a little later and the air smells fresh and new-born.
Having the book chosen by fellow bookmoocher has just put the jam on my toast! Now all I need is my parcel of beads to arrive so I can complete the bag that has been ordered and the whole week will turn into a good day!
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