All The Things *I* Said. *sigh*

May 17, 2004 20:17

It comes down to this,
Me and myself... and I can't stop arguing with her.
Her being that person I used to be,
That person that used to want for male company.

She wants to come back,
And I run like hell,
Tripping over memories,
Falling on my face after stumbling over a mind that makes mistakes before my body can react to them.

I could have waited
To open my big, cavernous mouth.
I should have waited forever.
Forever, that glorious state of never and always.

Combined blissfully.
To be blissfully unaware of things like...
Well, love.

I hereby withdraw from you.
From me.
From everything and nothing at all.
Times are changing, and I shall change with them evermore.

To all those I have loved before,
Still my heart bleeds for you.
To everyone in the future,
Perhaps safe distance should be kept.

Advice never given should be heeded.
Love never lived should be experienced.
Lives never enlightened should always be dark.
Minds never expanded... well-

Pass it to the left.

It's time to get lifted. For the first time, for the last time.
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