here we go!

Apr 13, 2009 22:15

Because I'm kind of a loser, I went to go see Hannah Montana: The Movie.  Luckily I'd made Jenna promise to go see it with me ages ago, when I first got completely sucked in by the trailer despite not really being into the show at all.  Okay, yes, I watch it, but I can't say it's my absolute favorite.

Still.  Saw the movie.  Jenna was embarassed and made me ask for the tickets, even though, come on, we aren't that far out of the target range (at least not according to the AP).  And according to the box-office figures article in the newspaper this morning, the second-largest group to attend after young girls actually in the target age group and their mothers were teenage girls who "might be outgrowing the show".  Exactly!  Like Miley is apparently outgrowing it!  At sixteen!  My, she moves fast.  Also, can you believe the price of a ticket these days?

The theater crowd was somewhat amazing.  It wasn't anywhere close to full--but then there were like twelve showings every day, so I expect the audience was a bit spread out.  There were these two middle-aged women sitting near us who I'm pretty sure did not have any kids with them...and the woman nearest us seemed a little overly engrossed.  Every time something went wrong in the movie, she'd go "Oh, no," and she just chuckled and shook her head many a time at Miley's hijinks, and she just seemed way too invested in the doings of a girl a third her age.  But who am I to judge?  Also notable was the teenage boy who clearly had to bring his little sister to see the movie, and was thus doing the whole slumping-down-in-his-chair-way-too-cool-for-this thing.  Oh, and the requisite giggling preteen/early teenage girls were there...providing much amusement when they got up and started dancing along during "Hoedown Throwdown".

Anyway.  My thoughts on the movie.  It!  Okay, it was exactly what you'd expect--Disney, bright, colorful, happy, G-rated, sugar-sweet.  It was cute.  I enjoyed it. :)  Nice upbeat songs which you cannot get out of your head and lots of prettiness all around, from the people (blonde cowboy=yum) and the outfits to the scenery.

I tried to keep my nitpicking tendencies at bay, I really did.  Especially considering how much I hate when other people nitpick obsessively (hypocrisy, much?) and the fact that it's Disney, for god's sake.  So while the very first scene may have been...confusing (why doesn't Miley have a plan to get into her own concert?  And why do she and Lilly have to do Hannah's makeup and suchlike all by their lonsesomes?  Why is she filming a music video for a song she came out with three years ago?  Why do I think about this so much?), I managed to look past those things and enjoy the movie.  But some things I just do not get.

Like the whole thing with Jackson.  I thought it was pretty well established at least twice in canon that it's public information that Jackson is friends with Hannah.  So I really didn't get the necessity of the whole I-saved-Hannah's-life-while-surfing! thing.  But I guess that isn't the first time they "forgot" Jackson publicly knows Hannah...I swear, if Disney was real life, her secret would have been out long ago.  Miley has the only decent disguise out of her entire group of family and friends--she is pretty much the only person I know of who can put on a wig and actually look not like herself.  It's very strange.

And another thing about Jackson that really confused me (yeah, he's my favorite character.  Him and Lilly.  I don't really care much for the others--which is why I didn't have a problem with Oliver only being in like thirty seconds of the entire thing.  Or Rico) was his whole college-and-a-job storyline.  At the beginning it seems like he's just leaving California for college--does this mean it's fall?  Because Miley does mention he's started classes.  But all we see him doing is some unexplained job at the zoo (where he gets mauled by an alligator--am I the only one who doesn't see the humor in having a reptile bite your butt off?), and you would think from Miley's storyline that it's summertime.  I mean, there's never any question of school when she's going to jet off for New York, Lilly comes without any question of school, that Blonde Cowboy apparently never has to go to school...which would make the day of Lilly's birthday party the last day of school, since she doesn't see Miley again until she goes to Tennessee (presumably).  So then how is it okay that Miley leaves in the middle of the last day of school to go shopping?

Ai yi yi.  Lastly--I promise--that ending.  I admit, I was not expecting that.  As predictable as the movie seems, parts of it still took me by surprise.  But that ending--only in Disney.  Only in Disney could Miley reveal her secret to about two hundred people in her hometown, only to have ALL OF THEM promise that they will keep her secret from the rest of the world so she can continue being Hannah.  Seriously.  In real life this is not possible.  But in Disney!world, why would anybody want to ruin a young girl's hopes and dreams for their own selfish gains?  If only I lived in Disney!world.

That said, I think they handled the whole torn-between-two-lives thing remarkably well.  I admit that the concept has always really interested me...because there would be a lot of difficulty and probably emotional trouble to go with living multiple lives.  To be honest, I think Miley acted that part very well.
 Okay, now I shall stop annoying you all with my spoilers, complaints, ramblings and overall acceptance of The Miley Cyrus Show.

In other life is very boring.  I have a math test tomorrow.  Emerson Spartz just got engaged (but...but...he's mine!).  I waste too much time on YouTube instead of studying for said math test.

Oh!  That reminds me!  Verboten Liebe! 
folkloric_feel , I blame you.  Even though, okay, you have no way of knowing this because I don't think I ever actually commented on your icon meme post (um.  Sorry.  I'm getting better on the commenting thing, I swear!).  But those icons and your little descriptions of the show made me curious, so I went on YouTube and spent the whole effing weekend watching a German soap opera on my laptop.  For serious.

But Christian and Olli are just so freaking cute!  *dissolves into sugary fangirl mess*

I swear, I go from one group of cute slashy boys to the next.  I still love them all, though. ♥

verboten liebe makes soap operas cool, shipping

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