holy fudge, my brain (*has pretty new icons*)

Jul 24, 2010 03:31

You know that ship meme I tried doing?  I decided I didn't like it.  It really wasn't specific enough.  So I decided to write my own! \o/  (Which got a little out of hand...)

Best All-Time OTP/First Real Ship I Did Shippy Things For:

<3 Ron/Hermione <3

First Femslash Ship Ever:

Peppermint Patty/Marcie, Peanuts.  Yeah, I don't understand my brain either.

Favorite Disney Princess Ship:

Ariel/Eric.  Though Phillip/Aurora isn't bad.

Favorite Kid's Show Stepcest Slash Ship That Had A Canon Makeout:

To this day I still don't understand how they got away with that kiss on Drake & Josh, but I'm so very, very glad they did.

Ship You Totally Thought You Would End Up Shipping But Then Totally Didn't:

What'shisface Peter/Sidney, I Love You, Man.  I just saw this movie recently after kind of wanting to for quite a while and I...did not ship it.  Which I was kind of proud of myself for, really, being able to resist Teh Slash and just accept the bromance.  'Course, I didn't really like the movie quite as much as I was expecting and Sidney was Just Okay anyway, so maybe it's to be expected. *shrug*

Favorite German Soap Opera Slash Ship:

Christian/Olli, Verbotene Liebe.  It's adorable and on YouTube with English subtitles and is also obviously a soap opera, meaning I stopped watching once they'd gotten all happy and content because I knew there was no way that could last, but in my headcanon they could just go on being that way forever and ever without any random dramatic comas or long-lost twins. *nods*

Favorite Ship In A Series About A Dystopian Sci-Fi Future Aimed At Teens:

David/Tally, Uglies.

Favorite Ship Involving Matt Damon:

Liz/Carol, 30 Rock.  It pains me that he's probably not going to be any kind of lasting love interest, because he was just awesome in the season finale.  But whatever, I (friend)ship Jack&Liz more than anything, so as long as that's still intact, I'm pretty much good.  Matt Damon so cuuuuute.

Favorite Ship Which Started Out As A Teenage Girl In Love With A Mysterious Boy In Her Class That Ended Up With A Teenage Girl Defending Her Growth-Accelerated Mutant Hybrid Baby From An Ancient Clan Of Evil Vampires With Her Magical Psychic Love Shield And Fucking Happily Ever After Into Eternity (With A Beta Ship Of Hybrid Baby/Teenage Girl's Sloppy Seconds):

You know, I'm drawing a total blank.

Best Ship With A Rich Girl Who Falls In Love With A Poor Boy On A Boat, And Then He Dies But She Doesn't Until Years Later When She Dies Warm In Her Bed Like He Wanted Her To And Then They Meet Up On The Staircase Of The Afterlife:

Oh, totally Horatio/Gretchen, duh.

Best Romeo & Juliet Story:

Maybe Jack/Rose. *smiles beatifically*

Best Javid Spectrum Ship:

I'm gonna be super original here and say Jack/David (Newsies, obviously).  C'mon.  No explanation needed.

Best Ship Which Started Out As A Hilarious Misunderstanding Wherein The Girl Thought The Guy Was A Plumber, Except Really He Was A King, And Eventually Ended Up With Her Pregnant With His Child While He Was Stuck In A Magical Bubble For Sixteen Years, And Of Which You Keep Losing Your Copies:

Well, it was a close race and a hard pick, but I'd have to go with Cimorene/Mendanbar, from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles.  God, I loved those books in fifth grade.  *nostalgia*

Favorite Ship That You've Never Actually Read The Source Material About But Assume You Would Ship Based On The Fact That You Totally Ship Their Counterparts In The Early Nineties Valley-Girl Adaptation Of The Work:

Emma/George Knightley, Emma

Favorite Ship That You Adore But Kind Of Refuse To Really Watch Any More Of The Show It Comes From Than You've Already Seen, Apart From The Occasional Slashy YouTube Video:

Arthur/Merlin, Merlin.  I pretty much explained my feelings towards Merlin in an entry a few weeks ago, I think.  (I also ship Lancelot/Gwen, but not quite as much.)

Best Ship That Deserves Better Source Material, And Seriously Why Are SMeyer's Tiny Side Characters With Three Lines Of Dialogue So Much More Likeable Than Any Of Her Main Characters:

So, I read Breaking Dawn once, a very long time ago.  And sometimes I reread parts for the lulz.  And at the time, though the book itself instilled in me an amazing range and mixture of many, many emotions none of which were positive, there were these two minor sparklepire characters who I kinda liked and kinda got together and I kinda shipped them, a bit.  But I don't actually remember their names, so I'mma go look that up....  Mkay, it's Kate/Garrett, and they are far too awesome for their series. *nods*

First Ship You Ever Hated And Despised:

Harry/Hermione.  I wasn't a total idiot of an eleven-year-old; I didn't engage in any flame wars or anything, but I did silently resent all the shippers and giggled whenever somebody mentioned the word delusional.  *hangs head in shame, except not really*

Source Material Of Ship Which You Listed On Your Big Epic List That You Made Before Putting This Meme Together Listing Either Every Pairing You Have Ever Shipped In The Slightest, Most Offhand Way Even A Little, Or Else The Source Material Of Said EPYHESITSMOWEAL, And Which, Reading The Title Of That Source Material Listed On Your List Now, From Which You Apparently Have A Ship, You Cannot Even Recall WTF The Source Material Is:

A Prince's Tale.  Seriously, WTF is that?  I wrote this list like FIVE DAYS AGO, people.  And I've already forgotten what that's referring to.  Google was no help, either: it just gave me a bunch of Snape/Lily, which I have never, ever shipped, because ew.  But.  Seriously.  What is A Prince's Tale and why did I write it down and what do I ship from it and oh god, what is happening to me?????

Archie/Veronica or Betty/Archie:

Well, I like Betty better, so I'd say that, except ARCHIE TOTALLY DOESN'T DESERVE HER, OMG, and I'm kinda secretly (except not so much a secret, anymore) partial to Reggie, so Betty can be with HIM and Veronica can find someone as rich as she is and ARCHIE WILL JUST HAVE TO BE ALONE, OKAY, HE DESERVES IT.  *is kinda a bitch*

Most Shameful Thing That Causes You To Sometimes Serruptitiously Pick Up People Magazine When You're In Line At The Grocery Store And Maybe Flip Through It A Little:

Brangelina. *hangs head in shame, for reals this time*  But they're so AWESOME together!

Best Ship You Feel Kinda Guilty About Shipping Because It Breaks Up A Canon Couple In A Way That You Know Really Wouldn't Work In The Context Of The Show, And Also Because You Quite Like The Character Who Would Be Left All Alone, Woe:

Olive/Ned, Pushing Daisies.  Chuck and Ned would never really break up, Ned would never really start loving Olive the way she wanted him to, I really do like Chuck and Olive's love interests, but...  I can't help it.  They're adorable together.

Ship You Adore That Never Got Any Resolution So You Pretend The Show Ended After Its First Season, Which Was The Best One Anyway:

Logan/Veronica, Veronica Mars.  Oh, VM.  Nothing more needs to be said.

Weirdest Interspecies Ship:

Erm, these books I read in like middle school, called Firebringer Something?  The Firebringer Saga/Trilogy/Series/Whatever?  So Lell was a unicorn, and what's-his-face (Googles) Illishar was a griffin and it's weird but it's totally supported by canon, and I even read a really good fic about it over at Archive of Our Own for that Christmas Small Fandoms Exchange Thingy. *nods*

...I can't believe I just admitted to shipping unicorn/griffin.  WHATEVER, IT'S ADORABLE, HATERS TO THE RIGHT (because I like being contrary?)

Ship That You Used To Like But The Fans Turned You Off And You Don't Really Watch The Show Anymore, Much, Except Sometimes When It's On:

Sam/Freddie. *sighs*  That was before the fandom got all crazy, when I was just interested in it in a kind of detached way.  And now I sort of like the idea of Carly/Sam in that I can see where it comes from and support it in an...ideological way (and wow, I sound pretentious) but don't really care enough to really ship it?  So, like, I...ship it in theory?  IDK.

Possible First Ships:

Maybe Laura/Almonzfonzlorenzo (seriously, wtf was his name? *googles again* ah, Almanzo) from Laura Ingalls Wilder's books.  I always did love the later ones best, because aww, he gave her carriage rides, and omg, name cards! *was a crazy child*

Also possibly Eowyn/Faramir from Lord of the Rings, because I adore them both separately and together they just kick so. much. ass., and tbh the Warrior King/Elven Princess always kinda bored me. *hides*  The obsessive slashing everything that moves in LOTR came later, like Legolas/Gimli and each hobbit/that hobbit's bff and then all the human men with each other except Gandalf because ew but wait he's not human nevermind, but also Sam/Rosie because that's just sweet.  Ahem.

Or maybe it was Peter Pan/Wendy, because I was always kind of upset that he eskimo-kissed Tiger Lilly even if he may have possibly eskimo-kissed Wendy later, because Peter, come on.  Also, I used to have this elaborate plan when I was little that he came back to London to be with her, or else they came back for a few years until they were eighteen or twenty or whatever then went back to Neverland to live happily ever after and take care of the Lost Boys and god, I thought too much as a kid.  Also, like most Disney sequels, Peter Pan 2 never happened, okay?  Okay.

First Series In Which You Shipped Pretty Much Everyone And Everything, In Every Possible Permutation, Including Threesomes And Foursomes And Moresomes:

Chuck.  I stopped watching the third season because I really didn't like it, but seriously.  Chuck.  I don't even know how many ships I have there.  I kinda ship Chuck/Sarah a little, and then I ship Sarah/Casey and Bryce/Chuck and even Chuck/Casey, I don't know, or Sarah/Karina or Casey/Karina or Chuck/Rachel Bilson and Chuck/Awesome and of course Awesome/Ellie and Morgan/Anna and I kinda really ship Awesome/Ellie/Casey a lot, more than is probably healthy, and Awesome/Casey and OH MY GOD YOU GUYS, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.

Favorite Historical Ship:

You know, I can't actually be arsed (wow, I've been reading too much Merlin fic) to think through history and all its players and who I've thought about shipping in the past Founding Fathers, Founding Fathers and French Guys, James I and every guy ever, okay seriously self stop wtf is wrong with you but when I was in elementary school I had the obligatory obsession with Tudor history, and I was always kinda torn between Henry/Anne Boelyn, because Anne was kinda awesome and obviously Elizabeth's mother, and Henry/Catherine of Aragon, because she seemed sweet and I felt pretty bad for her and also all of this was pretty much based off of some fictionalized accounts for kids so I could be way off base, who knows. *shrugs*

Wild Card!:

I read the first two Eragon books (but didn't like them much which I felt kinda guilty about because that guy is from around here and one of Montana's few famous people and I have like three signed books of his when he was doing a signing at a Costco here just when he was starting to Go Big, but then found out that other people also thought they were badly written rip-offs of LOTR, which made me feel slightly better if a little sad that he wasn't representing MT a hell of a lot better (but then this girl who used to go to my high school self-published a rip-off of Eragon, so a rip-off of a rip-off that was so badly written and lulzy and filled with typos that it seriously made Paolini look like Shakespeare, trust me, and strangely enough she has yet to Go Big)) and I don't remember where I started this sentence--okay now I do, so I read them and shipped Eragon's Brother Rowan/His Girlfriend Katrina, and then right after that Hurricane Katrina hit and I felt strangely guilty shipping them anymore.

Which I'm sure is fascinating to all of you.

Favorite Ship About A Girl Lost At Sea And The Superhero Who Finds Her And Brings Her Back To His Home, A Hidden Island Where Superheros Live Because Much Like Wizards In The HP Books, Muggles Don't Want Them Any More, But Some Of Them Still Secretly Save People On Weekends And Stuff, And Said Girl Must Convince Heroes To Help Save Humanity And Also She Falls In Love Along The Way With That Superhero Who Brought Her There, And Although She Is Like Bella In That She Doesn't Have Powers Like Her Boyfriend Does, She Is Still Awesome And Kickass And Not A Wimp Or A Mary-Sue:

I don't really have one. *shrugs*

...Okay, so I just made this up, but wouldn't it be an awesome ship?  I kinda want to write it now.  Hmm.

Ship You Kinda Feel Guilty Shipping, Even A Little, Because The Movie Is So Not About That:

Arthur/Eames, Inception.  Which I saw yesterday and which is amazing and mind-blowing and a total cinematic experience and you all should go see it now if you haven't already.  But I do kind of guiltily ship these guys just a little in a far-away corner of my mind, because they have banter and slap-slap-kiss potential and that is kind of my favorite kind of ship ever.  I can also kind of see Eames/Saito, because Eames is a total flirt, and though I liked that brief moment between Arthur and Ariadne I Do Not Ship It.

Also, speaking of movies I have recently seen in theaters and feel kind of guilty for polluting with my slashy mind, I do kind of ship Buzz/Woody. *shame*  I don't mind Buzz/Jessie and actually quite enjoy Bo/Woody, though, so I'm not completely hopeless.

First Slash Ship Evar:

Remus/Sirius.  Not quite as old-school as Kirk/Spock which I kinda ship Kirk/McCoy instead in the reboot movie, oops, also Sulu is hot and wow I am getting so off topic in this meme but not bad, right?

First OT3:

Well, reading the comics page I used to read Luann and at first I kinda shipped Brad/Toni but then I felt bad for TJ all left out and decided to add him in too?  And nobody has any idea what I'm talking about and I don't really ship it much anymore anyway?  And I should really not get into comic strip ships because then I may go weird and start talking about Jon/Liz and possibly like Rat/Pig or Bucky/Satchel and does that make me a furry and idk, Mooch/Earl when I thought Mooch was a girl and before I realized how preachy the strip was and oh my god, you guys, it's past midnight which means I shouldn't be doing this, typing this now, because while I'm at my most productive this time of night I'm also at my most rambly and insane/inane, and nobody is going to read this entry because it will be so goddamn long, fml.

Ship Which You Were In Fandom For Only For The Ship, Because You'd Never Much Liked The Show But That Ship Was Just Awesome, Okay, AKA Best Ship Involving Erin Sanders And A Guy Named Logan:

Logan/Quinn, Zoey 101.  My obsession ran deep.  I also kind of started shipping Vince/Lola while I was there, too, but that may have just been Stockholm Syndrome. *shrug*

Wild Card!:

Why is Hercules on my list of ships/ship source material?  I don't think I ship anything from any version of Hercules either.  Greek myth is another matter, Hermes/Artemis and Apollo/lots of dudes 4eva, shut up I'm allowed to corrupt the Virgin Goddess with her half-brother if I want to.  I mean, Megara is awesome in the Disney version, but I don't really ship her with Hercules, mostly because I liked him better before the Michael Bolton montage when he went all muscley.

Favorite Homoerotic Shakespeare Ship:

Clearly a toss-up between Mercutio/Benvolio (and I don't care if they're possibly related, which I don't think they are, unlike Merry/Pippin, who definitely are) and Hamlet/Horatio, really.  Horatio's awesome and is it weird that I kinda want to snuggle Hamlet?  Maybe it's because in my English class we read the stick figure Hamlet version.  (Also, all this talk of Shakespeare is kinda making me want to dig out an old VHS copy of Much Ado About Nothing, the one with Emma Thompson, because hells yes I shipped that too, Beatrice/Dude With Beard, and Shakespeare is kind of awesome with the ships, yo.)

Favorite Tragic Ending Ship Involving James McAvoy:

Jane/Thomas, Becoming Jane. *sniffles*  (Also, I'm convinced Taylor Swift wrote Love Story for them.  Just like I'm convinced Check Yes Juilet is We The Kings admitting they watch Nickelodeon and ship Logan/Quinn too.  Also, funny aside that is probably only funny to me: both times I visited my sister at college, we ended up watching a historical chick flick romance about a the somewhat-to-mostly fictionalized version of a very famous author who was very famous for their romances's own love life.  Meaning Shakespeare in Love and Becoming Jane, if that made any sense, which really is a strange coincidence, and it's really a good thing she graduated when she did because I think we'd run out of movies in that specific genre.

Favorite Non-Canon Pairing That You're Pretty Sure Almost Everyone Prefers Over The Canon Ship:

Eponine/Marius, Les Miserables.  I grew up with Les Mis; I knew every single lyric of that whole fucking musical by heart by the time I was seven.  And of course I always shipped Eponine/Marius, because Eponine is awesome and Cosette's okay and all but kind of a Mary-Sue, and Marius might actually be a Gary-Stu himself but whatever, Eponine is awesome.  *is not actually going anywhere with this*  Okay, moving on.

Favorite Ship That Came Out Of Last Summer's Endless Mornings Of Watching Like Six Hours Of ABC Family Because You Were Stuck At Home By Yourself For Weeks With No Way Of Getting Out And No Immediate Computer Access, omg That Sucked, But Looking Back It Wasn't That Bad?:

Gosh, I don't know.  I liked that British dude Amanda Bynes' character was dating on What I Like About You.  (Though as Amanda Bynes character ships go, Penny/Seaweed wins by a mile.)  I of course adored Sabrina/Harvey on reruns of Sabrina: The Teenage Wtich.  I saw the entire first season of The Secret Life of the American Teenager and kind of wished Ricky and Amy would pair up and go be stupid together (but then that could be said about pretty much any two characters on that show; they're all idiots).  I watched Full House and kind of wished the house would set on fire.  I mean, what?

For srs, though, Dean/Rory, Gilmore Girls.  This is why I refuse to watch past the first season.  His character, it gets tarnished!  Her character, it gets tarnished much later!  Both lose some adorableness but gain some hotness!  I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT.

Wild Card!:

You know what ship Kuzco/Malina from The Emperor's New School reminds me of?  Not that I've ever watched the show, or anything.  James/Lily, from HP.  Think about it.  If you know what I'm even talking about.  (And if you do think about it, could you please explain the similiarites to me, because I thought about it/realized all the similarities a very long time ago and I really cannot be bothered to go remember what all of them were at the moment. *handwaves*)

Let's Talk About Incest!:

Okay!  I think I started easing into it with Derek/Casey (Life With Derek), my very first tweendom ship which led me to my very first forays into tweendom, a ship which I at first thought I was totally crazy for seeing and possibly alone in seeing it (btw, my sentences may not make much sense at this point; it's late and I'm kind of delirious).  But anyway, it was totally okay because they were stepsiblings, and then I started shipping slashy stepsiblings with Drake and Josh, and then I arrived at that question which one day every shipper must face: is gay incest really wrong, and then I started shipping Justin/Alex (Wizards of Waverly Place) and though I'd eased into it quite gradually, at that point I just threw all morals out the window, because c'mon, it's Justin and Alex, have you seen the movie?  So nowadays I'm just very Whatever. *nods*  Sprousecest?  Bring it on.  Wincest?  Awesome.  Zack and Cody-cest?  Sure, why not?  Fred and George?  ...Maybe?

Will/Carlton?  Shut up, self.

Assorted Tween/Pre-Tween/Teen/Random Books Ships To Follow, Because I Need More Book Ships On Here, To Really Go Back To My Roots, Even If Few People Will Know What I'm Talking About

Favorite Ship Involving Pirates:

Art/Felix, Piratica series.  So this is this pretty obscure series of books for preteens-ish, I guess, which I discovered completely by chance (at a resort in Mexico, specifically) and which has a very strange writing style and of which I don't think the third book is even available in the States, but I heard it was bad anyways?  Anyway, yeah, I do love them, though the first is better than the second and it takes like fifty pages to get into.  But ANYWAY, the thing is, firstly, a lot of The Sea Kings (my pirate!newsies fic which I really need to update someday) is based a lot on this series, sort of a mash-up of Piratica and Newsies and Pirates of the Penzance, really.  But the thing is, I adore this ship, Art/Felix, even though I don't actually like Art that much?  IDK, she's kind of a bitch.  But Felix is awesome. *smishes him*  And the second one is kinda sad but also kind of awesome, so I don't know, I'm conflicted. *flaps hands*


Best Ship From A Book I Read This One Time:

Blonde Woman/Not-Blonde Man from a book I remember vaguely.  Liz/Owen from a teen book I read a few years ago called Elsewhere in which Liz complains a lot that she never got to have sex but then we never find out whether she ever did, though if she did she'd better have done it quickly as she was de-aging from sixteen, and there's only so long that shit's okay.

Best Ship With A Girl Who Kisses A Frog Claiming To Be A Prince And Then Gets Turned Into A Frog Herself And Kind Of Thinks The Frog Prince Is A Pompous Jerk But Then It Turns Out He's Quite Sweet And They Fall In Lurve:

Emma/Eadric, The Frog Princess.  Which, I know what you're thinking, what, but before it was a Disney movie it was a fantasy tween book series with the same premise but different charactes/setting/plot, and it was really quite adorable. *nods*

Wild Card!:

I always kind of wished that dentist dude from the first season of The Suite Life would come back and date London again.  Aww.

Favorite High School Musical Ship:

Ryan/Chad, duh.  This question is so stupid.  Who wrote this?

Ship From A British Tweens-ish Series That You Still Ship Despite Being Really Annoyed That One Of Them Was Being Pushed Towards The Other One's Little Sister, And The Other One Was Being Pushed Towards His Big Sister's Best Friend:

Tom/Indigo, Saffy's Angel series.  *nods*  Tom is from America!  Yet still uses distinctly British speech patterns!  Oh, Britania.

Other Favorite Ship By Patricia C. Wrede:

Wrede and some other author wrote this book, Sorcery and Cecilia, by writing letters in-character back and forth to each other and making it up as they went along, which is awesome.  Anywho, I guess technically the ship I truly adore is the one not from Patricia C. Wrede, but by the other author, because on first read through I did prefer Cecilia/James, which was Wrede's ship, but upon second rereading Kate/Thomas is really slightly cuter.  But just slightly.

Favorite Self-Insertion Ship:

Jensen Ackles/Me.  Selena Gomez/Me.  About a bazillion other people both on my beautiful people meme (which I have yet to post, oops) and not/me, but we won't go there.

Let's List Some RPF Ships, 'Cause I Can't Be Bothered To Make Up Categories For Each One, And For Someone Who Apparently Can't Be Bothered And/Or Arsed For A Bunch Of Things, I Sure Am Bothering With Quite A Bit:

Jared/Jensen, Supernatural RPS, which is a thousand different kinds of love.  David Henrie/Selena Gomez, now cast upon differently in light of David Henrie/Gregg Sulkin, both Wizards of Waverly Place RPF.  Maybe some Merlin RPS, Bradley/Colin, maybe even some random LOTR RPS to spicen things up or some Michael Seater/Ashley Leggat bffle (friend)shipping.

Numba One (Friend)Ship:

Probably Jack/Liz from 30 Rock, and possibly not just because they're the only one I can really think of right now; I'm such a shipping whore.

No, wait, I know!  Stacey/Clinton, What Not to Wear!  Their bantering is adorable.  If he was metrosexual instead of gay, it...well, okay, the adorableness level really wouldn't change, whatever.

...No, I like Jack/Liz better, I guess.  Never mind.

Favorite Bromance:

Joey/Chandler, Friends; I guess you could say I ship them except I kinda don't?  I was never really able to settle on a ship of any type for that show.  Except maybe Phoebe/Mike.  I did enjoy Phoebe/Mike.  (Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, on the other hand, would be an example of a bromance that I definitely do ship, in both ways. :D)

Favorite Big Time Rush Ship:

Logan/Kendall. :D

Wild Card!:

You know, at the time, I was too busy giving all the woodland animals their wedding invitations to notice, but Princess Bride Barbie/Prince Ken in my computer game Princess Bride Barbie really wasn't a very healthy relationship.  I mean, the guy's all gone at sea and leaves Barbie to plan the entire wedding.  Show some consideration, dude.

oh god it's three in the morning why am i still doing this

Share Some Detailed Thoughts On Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants ships:

Well, if you insist.  Although there's not much beyond: I liked Win for Carmen, wasn't too fond of Brian for Tibby, liked both Leo and Kostos, kind of, for Lena, although seriously that went on forever, and apparently wanted Bridget to just be a big slut, because I liked her with Eric from the get-go even though she really shouldn't have been having sex with him at fifteen, but then was just as happy when she had a brief affair with a professor dude while still dating Eric.  I'm a messed up puppy.

Favorite Ship Involving A Miniature Roman General And A Miniature Cowboy!Owen Wilson That Involves Shout-Outs To Brokeback Mountain:

Jedidiah/Octavius, Night at the Museum.  And the second one was even slashier.  I love kids movies.

Favorite Meg Cabot Ship:

You know, as much as I enjoy Meg Cabot books, I don't know if any particular ship jumps out at me.  QUESTION CONSTRUCTING FAIL, SELF.

Quick!  Redeem Yourself With Stating Your Least Favorite Ship Involving A Girl Who Goes To Super-Secret Spy School!

Zach from the Gallagher Girls series should DIAF.  He's annoying.  *point*

Favorite Ship Where In A Virtual Reality He's Her Half-Brother But In Real Life He's Just The Guy Responsible For Her Getting Stuck In Said Alternate Reality:

Their names are...*consults book*...Giannine and Nigel (from Heir Apparent).  Wait, seriously?  That guy is way too hot to be a Nigel, I'm pretty sure, even if I'm not entirely sure what he looks like.

Javid, Blink, or Mush?

I am a cruel, cruel question giver.  If it was a life-and-death situation and I had to rate, I think I'd go with Sprace, Javid, then Blush.  But just barely.  And with great resistance.

Weird Big Age-Difference Sorta-Ship?:

Jimmy Snow/Daisy Fay, Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man.  Which is a wonderful book (and shockingly NOT a tween and/or teen book, gasp I know) and everyone should read it, seriously.

Ship That May Be Keeping You Going Through A Book That Is A Lot More Difficult To Get Through Than You Thought It Was Going To Be, But Again Is Easier If You Just Think Of This Ship And Imagine One Of Them As Looking Just Like Matt Bomer:

Sal/Dean, On the Road.  I'm like halfway through, and it's much different than I expected, but I am certainly enjoying Sal's utter obsession with Dean (and Dean's utter obsession with life, and my utter obsession with him looking just like Bryce Larkin and also having that same strange easy sexuality).

Favorite Ship In A Series Where Practically All The Main Characters Are Related, Which Makes It Difficult, And Which Involves Mostly Children And Very Little Romance, Which Doesn't Help At All:

I have considered a great many ships for The Chronicles of Narnia.  I've gone the Peter/Susan and Peter/Edmund routes.  I've thought of the safer options of Polly/Diggory and Eustace/Jill.  I've even slightly aww'd at Cabbie/Cabbie's Wife, and Shasta/Aravis, and may have just thought of Cor/Corin for the first time just now.  For a series without romance, I've managed to think of a lot of ships, with even some Caspian/Caspian's Love Interest and Edmund/Eustace or Eustace/Caspian thrown in for good measure.

But none of these will ever live up to the epic Mary-Sue love of my OC from when I was eleven, Princess Elizabeth from Archenland, and King Edmund.  <3 OTP <3

Instance Where You Started Out Shipping Absolutely Nothing The First Time Through, And By The Time You Started Watching It A Second Time You Shipped Everything:

Supernatural.  The full story is a long one which really deserves its own post, but the short version is: I expected to ship Wincest.  I watched and did not, though I did brothership it unhealthy amounts.  I didn't see any Dean/Castiel.  Then season five came on, and I did, and then I rewatched some season two and saw some Wincest, and then I just started shipping anything with legs, so.  If they're in the same age range (meaning, like, not shipping Bobby/Sam here, or John/Castiel--ooh, John/Castiel, waitaminute), I pretty much ship it.  Angel, human, demon, whatever.  I SHIP IT ALL.  BRING ON THE PORN.

(Also, I kind of Vaguely Ship Everything from Harry Potter, in a vague way.  Meaning I have my OTPs and all, and then there are like a million permutations of main and minor characters who I'm kind of "oh, how cute" about but not really invested in any further, and am equally "oh, how cute" about them with any number of other characters.  Or "how hot" or whatever, depending on the characters.  And then I ship Cedric Diggory with some guy who doesn't even have a name, because both I and the HP fandom are weird like that.)

Ship With Wig:

Trufact: I kind of ship Jackson/Hannah from Hannah Montana (+Forever?  what is up with Disney channel this year? *boggled*) when it's, um, Hannah, not Miley.  So only when she's wearing the wig.  IDEK, I don't even watch that show if I can help it.  I blame that episode where they dated.

Disney Channel Het Ship Not Involving Incest:

Sonny/Chad, Sonny With a Chance.  Naturally.

Ship That Got Upgraded That You Would Have Been Okay Sticking With Just-Friends:

Kim/Ron, Kim Possible.  I don't really mind the ship, but I don't particularly care for it in a romantic way, either.  (And, um, possibly the same with Drakken/Shego?  Whatevs.)

Lawls, Going To Hell Ship:

...Probably Jeeves/Bertie or something (P.G. Whodehouse).  Or something involving incest.

Best Slap-Slap-Kiss Ship:

Han Solo/Princess Leia, Star Wars.  It's a classic! \o/

Favorite Angelic/Demonic Ship From A Book You Have Not Yet Finished Reading:

Crowley/Aziraphale, Good Omens.

Dawning Realization That You Really Are A Ship Whore Who Ships Everything With Legs, Not Just In Harry Potter And Supernatural And Chuck But Also In:

Percy Jackson (& the Olympians, etc.).  Anything but Annabeth/Percy, really.  Luke/Annabeth, Luke/Thalia, Luke/Percy, Percy/Nico, Percy/Rachel, Silena/Clarisse, why am I even going on let's just say I ship every single half-blood with every single other halfblood, pretty much.  Except Annabeth/Percy.  And I ship every single one of the canon pairings.  Except Annabeth/Percy.  But my motherfuckin' OTP is Percy/Calypso.  <3 Calypso <3  (Why do I have so many opinions/ships for a series I didn't even like that much? *sigh*)

Ship You Get By Taking The First Character You Recognize On EntertainmentWeekly.com's Home Page And Shipping Them With The First Character Name You See When You Flip To A Random Page On The Twenty-Second Book In Your Bookshelf Counting Top-Bottom Left-Right, And Which You Are Now Obligated To Ship Til Your Dying Day (And Oh, Thank Freaking God The Bible Is The Twenty-Fourth Book; That Could Have Been Awkward):

...My OTP is apparently Britney Spears/Bloody Mary, aka Queen Mary I of England.

God help us all.

zoey 101 aka the quinn and logan show, newsies owns my soul, chuck kicks ass, harry potter is everything, vmars is epic, pirate!newsies ftw, verboten liebe makes soap operas cool, supernatural kills me with awesome, holmes and hotson for the mf win, memes of addiction, drake and josh (are in love), wowp: too awesome to exist, icarly: kid-friendly crack, plea for help, life with derek, j2: mfeo, i am a ridiculous fangirl, shipping, hsm is glittery, cracky goodness, teh gay, squee, big time sparkles

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