Feb 14, 2005 04:40
WaZ gOOd?
well i had a wateva day same az alwyz! it waz a lil fuked up kuz i ended da day pist as fuck cuz i g0t int0 a argument wit sumb0dy der and i cursed da pers0n 0ut s0 bad and we waz just screamin at each0tha in da hallway and at da end dat pers0n kept sayin "s0rry" but dat didnt mean shyt 2 me wutz d0ne is d0ne and u cant change da past but it hurts s0 much!! (i d0nt even kn0 why i g0t myself into diz shyt i didnt think it would turn 0ut diz way!) f0r tha last m0nth itz juzt been drama! i hate diz shyt! i g0t s0 much shyt g0in 0n rite n0w....s0 much shyt in my head and i d0nt kn0 wut 2 d0 im s0 stressed 0ut f0r da last 3 weekz and im tryin t0 get ova diz shyt.... 1st- i aint doin to0 h0t in sk0ol "im slippin" i g0t fuked up gradez and s0 many absences f0r skippin f0r n0 reas0n!....2nd- we went 2 0ur grandmas h0use 0n saturday with D kuz we waz wlakin 0n bird and sumthin t0ld uz t0 pass by y0u kn0 d0se weird feelingz u get and she t0ld us she haz "breast cancer"and itz n0t go0d...3rd- Me and D became the presidentz 0f 0ur club at sk0ol "Best Buddies" s0 n0w we g0t mad shyt 2 d0 and 0n da 31st 0f march derz a talent sh0w dat me and D are making up... we g0tta write tha wh0le script and teach the kidz all the dances and s0ngs and shyt and its s0 stressin cuz dey learn sl0wer and d0nt pay attenti0n and d0nt c0ncentrate s0 datz like super stressin cuz its like teachin 3 yr 0dz h0w t0 read!...4th- derz pe0ple talkin shyt ab0ut sum shyt dat dey think happend and i aint up f0r dat shyt itz like dey l0ve gettin st0ries twisted and fukin wit pe0ple(they just d0nt kn0 wat went d0wn and h0w shyt went)... i alwyz th0ught da shyt talkin waznt g0nna get t0 me EVER but sumtimes is s0 fukin ann0yin u just like damn wtf d0 i d0!?.....wateva fUk EvRyBoDy dAt hAtEs!....5th- 0n the talent sh0w ME and D and M0iSeS(D'z h0meb0y) are g0nna d0 "JA RULE:: Put It 0n Me" *0n stage*..im singing da lil m0 part...D iz d0in da Vita rap part and m0ises is d0in da ja rule part... itz crazy cuz im mad nerv0us cuz its my 1st time actually d0in sumthin like dat f0r da sk0ol (high sk0ol) i use t0 d0 it in elementary but its different in high sk0ol.... s0 im really nerv0uz ab0ut dat and i h0pe everythin g0es g0od and pe0ple like it! derz 0ne sh0w in da daytime for da sk0ol and den at nite f0r da parents 6th- wit da m0ney we raise its f0r me and D's trip t0 "INDIANAPOLIS" in the summer f0r 3 dayz in july f0r a "Best Buddies international Meeting" with members fr0m da club all 0ver da w0rld and we stay der at a c0llege and learn ab0ut da special kidz and 0ther inf0rmati0n and meet new pe0ple and if we d0nt raise en0ugh then we cant g0 and its real imp0rtant we d0... datz al0t 0f pressure s0 itz krazy!.... im stressin dat cuz i wanna d0 go0d and raise m0ney and we g0tta plan car washes and shyt f0r tha club s0 we can take the kids 0ut 0n field trips and make it fun f0r them but we aint g0t much help cuz n0b0dy really likes special kids w/ disabilitiez kuz they think dey weird 0r disgusting! fuk all yall pe0ple wh0 think dat ...dey humanz just like y0u..!....7th-and i g0t a few 0tha shyt dat im dealin wit 0n my 0wn but D iz helpin s0 thnk g0d kuz i felt real al0ne even th0ugh i g0t mad pe0ple ar0und plus my m0m ezpecially but i just cant tell her 0r any0ne wutz happenin u kn0?.....8th-my ex b0yfriend called me up last week 0ut 0f n0where and we waz talkin 2day it waz str8 u kn0 it waz k0ol talkin t0 him again cuz hez alwyz makin me laugh and f0rget da shyt datz g0in ar0und me and all da drama... we go0d friendz u kn0 but we cant be 2getha n0t 0nly d0 we neva get 2 see each0tha but we fite 2 much wen we 2getha but besides dat i like him as a friend i d0 miss him sumtimes but datz life u kn0 its betta 2 have him as a friend and there 4 me then nuttin at all rite?...
c/s: well 2day i had t0 babysit after sk0ol s0 im spendin v-day here babysittin untill 12:am and im mad tired s0 im n0t g0in t0 sk0ol 2m0rr0w i aint feelin g0od...i already let my dad kn0w dat i aint g0in he said it waz str8 cuz i never stay h0me 0r im absent(he thinkz dat cuz i alwyz g0 t0 sk0ol and skip s0 he neva sees me stayin h0me damn i hate lyin t0 him)... but wateva i aint in da mo0d to g0.. D aint g0in eitha s0 we just g0nna chill at h0me....
C/S AGAiN:: well D g0t her man a nice shirt fr0m "EnycE" and a nice card and candy... he g0t her a big thing wit candy and teddy bears wrapped in a plastic and it waz s0 ad0rable....n0ne 0f hiz b0ys th0ught he waz g0nna get sumthin cuz he d0nt like l0okin s0ft 0r expressin himself but he did and pr0ved all hiz b0ys wr0ng...mad kute...dey waz pickin 0n him da wh0le day.... well im 0ut i g0t sum shyt 2 d0...
*KeEpiN My HEaD HiGh aLWyZ*
_*LaDii J*_