May 17, 2003 14:52
Miiii night waz so qanqsta yo we hit up like 3 house party's ran into some old friends of mine tight tight i miss dem girlz yo! then we went to da beach in fort lickadale smoked a FAT ASS BLUNT some qood shit to!! I qot trashed last night ate some zanni's i aint doing that shyt again!! don't rember to much i met up with this chick to last night from aol she seems to be cool people'z!!! Tonight we all going club hopping I wish Tiff would come with us but yo its all gravy and Iam still a lyl mad at you for da otha night!!! oh and brett fuck you niggah you tried my ass for no reason you most def don't get no love you talk that shit to my face niggah scurry ass!!! i know not to many people'z B readin my journal but who does and know'z how to make icon'z can you make miii one? Grasi ass!!!