Jul 31, 2005 09:34

Hey erebody..I had a good yet busy day tuhday..I went shoppin, bought me some cute lil outfits..then bought me 2 pairs of some fresh new kicks..Ill post pics up..I also got my hurr did yesterday, its hella cute..I went to the mall..then ate at Churches Chickens..Chea I love that place..its the shit haha..Ive Been out the house, ya know tryna get my mind off all the heartbreak & pain of losin my first real love..

Last nite I broke it off with Keith. It took awhile though, considerin the fact that his sorry ass kept CLICKIN OVER ON ME. He knew whut the fuck I was about to say. I told him straight out. "Keith, quit clickin over on me. its important. Its gone have to be over between me & you so u can gone head & continue talkin to them other-" & he clicked over once again. Just like that. I dropped the fuckin phone, I was & still am so pissed. It was over, just like that. When I was out wit my gurls, I found it easy to forget all bout him. Buhh when Im all alone inside ma room, I feel the pain start to come baq. Theres still sOO many unsaid words & unfinished buisness, ya know? I still wanna ask him questions, like why did u have to hurt me, how..-ya know? He didnt even gimme a chance to tell him erethang I felt. It hurts alot, knowin the nigka you been sOo deeply in love with doesnt even give ah shit anymore, buhh in these past 6 somethin months hes taught me alot bout myself. Ill always love him, regardless if he dont love me or I cant stand him at the moment LOL. I aint gone lie bout that. Cuz we have had some good ass times, when I look baq at em, I just laugh. Oh well...I guess eventually he'll realize wut hes done, wut a wonderful gurl hes lost-& he'll call me baq, & I can have the opputunity to click over on him too =]

Hey my LJ folk: Tell me about any memories of your first love, first heartbreak, wuteva, & how u got through it. I woulda love to hear how yall coped. =]

PS. that qoute really comes to mind righh now: "If ya love somethin, LET IT GO, if it comes back to u its YOURS, if it doesnt-then it was never meant to be.."
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