the beg. of the summer was anything special same old same old.. my best friend niicOle left for new york to go see her daddy i meet a couple of guysz this summer NOTHING SPECIAL if i could take it all back i wish i would have never meet them ukk well
in june my dad calls me and tells me my uncle died of unknown causes ;\ then exactly one month later in july my dad calls me again whenever my dad cause its usually not good news well he called me and asked if my grandma had called me that was weird im like no why and he told me my aunt went to go to my grams house to give my grandpa his med's and she found my grandpa dead in the livinq room so i freaked out when he told me that i couldnt move i tried to i couldnt move could talk couldnt cry... it hurt so much i just cant explain the feeling it hurt so much when i started cry when i got the strength to get up i told my grandma i need to go to the emergency room and she took me and i go thtere they still didnt know if he was dead cuz they brought him back to life but 30 minutes later the doctor walked in and asked if we wanted to say our last goodbyes i left and locked myself in the bathroom in the hospital cuz i couldnt deal with it no one in my family was crying when the doctor gave my grandma my grandpas braclet she just looked at it and i ran out the room when i was in the bathroom i felt like screaming and at the same time i felt like punching my fist threw the mirror i was so mad that i didnt get to see him before he died i spent fathers day with him but still wasnt enough time to spend with someone so close to me my grandpa died of fluid in his lungs he was old but still it wanst his time he also had altimers and kinda didnt remember people at times but that still was my grandpa and i lost a big part of me
that was just the half of it ugh mad bitches were always gettinq on my case always all up in my f*ckinq bizz ugh i hope they drop dead all of them i fucking hate females that swear their the shit they know how they are and they seriously really need to get over themselves
summer finally qot good the day before school started snoopi nini and kika know why lol ;]]] that day wass maddddd fun <333 and it was i guess the end to all my trouble since then lifes been ok!!
i been single for a minute wowww lol i guess thats what i really need right now but ill be ok ;] im not looking for a man if they come along then alright its all good but im going to let them come to me because im not very good at picking guys on my own ... they always turn out to be the biggest dick heads... some guys at school are trying to get with me but blah mcarthur quysz!!! = stds
lmao any wayssssss
i Love nicole,snoopi,alejandra,angie,yvette,yani and everyone else im close to at school our little clique i love everyone but jhonathan lmao ;]
and i cant forget i love my aol clique lmao the aol family you guysz know who you are ....byeeeeeeee