Title: We Would Leave More Footprints in the Snow
damelolaRating/Warnings: PG, no warnings apply
Original Prompt: 21. A Song of Ice and Fire, Catelyn Tully Stark, gen - a look at young Cat adjusting to Winterfell and becoming the liked and respected Lady Stark we know
Summary: A new husband, a new home, and a new addition to their fledgling family has left Catelyn feeling just a little off-balance. Can spending time in the snows of Winterfell help her reconcile her new life with the one she thought she knew?
Notes: This is my first proper story in this fandom - I hope I'm doing the characters justice! Thanks to
ladyvivien and
soaked_in_stars for their combined efforts of reading and beta-ing.
You can read
'We Would Leave More Footprints in the Snow' here.