Nov 12, 2004 22:41
the taming of the shrew was reele reele good.
i should have hugged sean davis but when it was my turn i kind of turned away.
i make the biggest and stupidest mistakes around with diego? hah ali hit me after i did that one...
so did kelsey...that reele hurt guys ! lol.
today school was ok.
ive had better days.
we watched a part of romeo and juliet.
it was so so so sad.
i wish a guy would love me like romeo loves juliet.
i reele like shakepeare.
romeo is REELE hot in the movie.
k neway i was supposed to sleepover hilarys tonite...but her mom said no.
and then after swim practice esma and maida invited me to the movies.
then hilary called and said her mom said that i could sleepover.
but i already said yes to maida an esma so i felt reele bad.
neway esma maida and me saw THE POLAR EXPRESS.
u all should go see it.
its so good and its SO cute.
i started crying at one part bc it i was so happy for the kid and cuz he was so cute!
k so now im home.
me and hilary were on the phone and we rememebred that marks moving,
thats so sad.
im going to a ranch with hilary tomorrow.
in like alva or some place like that.
its an hour away.
k im gonna go to sleep cuz i have to be at hilarys house REELE early...10:00 !!
<3 sanja
i love diego...