I have no problem with admitting defeat or when I’m wrong. I have no problem with agreeing to an opposing argument if the case proves to make sense to me. But I do have a problem with people assuming and people who, themselves, cannot have the backbone to admit when they are wrong. And this is the main reason why there is shipping debates; people won’t back down.
I’ve recently chose to become a Harry/Hermione shipper, post-HBP. Also, I’ve recently chose to support fellow Harmonians with their theories and thoughts. Not all are always right, mind you, but the general disappointment of HBP is what made me so close to the H/Hr family and the devotion to them. What nerves me is that there are people who oppose H/Hr that are willing to resort to attacking. These said attackers steal site content and post it up on their communities and in which, they mock ruthlessly. So they dislike H/Hr shippers. Fine. They dislike what we write in our own forums and communities. Fine. But stealing it and feeling justified at the same time? Not fine at all.
And the sad part about this is some of us Harmonians have lowered ourselves to their level as well. I’ll be the first to admit it. We chose to attack them back because we were hurt and we felt harassed. And also felt warranted in doing so.
Hence, all of this is crazy. What happened to enjoying fandom? What happened to just making graphics, art, and reading fanfictions? There is no longer any point for R/Hr shippers to debate with us. They are canon, stated by the author herself. And that is all okay with us. Really it is. Some people might react differently but the majority of us have accepted this.
Therefore, I do not think it’s necessary that there are communities to bash H/Hr shippers. And it is not necessary that H/Hr’s return their frustrations on R/Hr. All we (as in both sides) are doing is feeding the fuel to the never ending ship war. The worst part is there will always be the few out there who will not listen to reason; who will continue to feel vindicated to attack the ship they despise.
Thus, the ship war will continue until either R/Hr shippers or H/Hr shippers disappear from the Internet Fandom completely. Why must that be our only option to have unity?
Here’s an interesting quote I found on the web that plays apart of the whole shipping war:
“Every man, in his own opinion, forms an exception to the ordinary rules of morality.”