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Mar 28, 2006 21:00

Three ThingsThree things that scare me:1:HEiGHTS 2:L0SiNG C0DY 3:DiEiNG Three people who make me laugh:1:C0DY 2:ZACK 3:NiK Three Things I love:1:C0DY 2:M0M 3:DAD Three Things I hate:1:LUCiFER 2:DRUGS 3:UMM.... CAFETERiA F00D =) Three things I don't understand:1:SCiENCE 2:WHY WE HAVE T0 DiE... 3:UMM... ANCiENT EGYPTiAN ALGEBRA L0L Three things on my desk:1:A CD 2:PAPER 3:MY CELL Three things I'm doing right now:1:CR0SSiN MY LEGS 2:BREATHiNG 3:TYPiN THiS SURVEY Three things I want to do before I die:1:GET MARRiED 2:C0NQUER MY FEARS 3:FiNiSH SCH00L Three things I can do:1:BREATHE 2:L0L EAT 3:TAAAAALK Three ways to describe my personality:1:TALKATiVE 2:FUNNY 3:EAZY T0 GET AL0NG WiT Three things I can't do:1:BACKBENDS 2:STAY CR0SS EYED F0R A L0NG TiME 3:MAKE MY SELF BURP Take this survey | Find more surveys
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