Title: Another Attempt... Will It Work?
Fandom: Hey! Say! JUMP
Author: Saida
Word Count: 360 <---- FAILS!!!! :((
Pairing: Hikato, if you squint you can see Takayama and Chiitaro...xDD
Genre: Fluff, fail humor
Summary: A sequel to Hikaru's Attempt. Another cheesy line Hikaru found..xD
Notes: Enjoy? lol
"Hikaru, I'm not so sure about your plan," Takaki said. He looked at Hikaru with a raised eyebrow.
"Trust me, it will," Hikaru said, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Are you two coming or what?" Yamada called out.
"Be right there," Takaki answered. He looked at Hikaru. "Coming?"
"Of course."
"Are you really going to do it, Hikaru?" Takaki asked again. Takaki and Hikaru were sitting at the table near the door, waiting for Yamada, Keito, Chinen and Ryutaro to return with their ice creams.
"Of course, just watch," Hikaru said.
"I'll be watching because here he's coming," Takaki said.
The other four HSJ members returned with the ice cream. Takaki gave Yamada a peck on the cheek when the latter took a sit next to him. Ryutaro and Chinen took a sit next to each other so Keito didn't have any choice but to sit next to Hikaru.
"Here's your ice cream," the younger teen said, pushing the bowl towards the BEST member.
"Thanks," Hikaru said.
Keito nodded his head. He licked his own ice cream cone. Suddenly, Hikaru touched Keito's left hand which was on the table. Keito stopped eating his ice cream and looked at Hikaru. The older member were staring intensely in Keito's eyes. The other members were 'busy' with their own lover that they didn't notice what's happening.
"Hikaru?" Keito said.
Hikaru kept Keito in suspense for a few moments, before saying, "Hey baby, you must be a light switch, because every time I see you, you turn me on!"
Keito's face is practically red with embarrassment, his vein twitching.
Keito threw his ice cream at Hikaru and hit the latter one directly at his mouth. Takaki and Yamada turned their head to Hikaru and Chinen and Ryutaro stopped snogging whatever they're doing and looked at Keito's and Hikaru's direction as well.
Keito pushed his chair back and stood up. "I'm going back home!" he said, very annoyed.
Takaki scooted over towards Hikaru. He pat the other BEST member's back. "I told you it won't work," he laughed.
"Oh, just shut up!" Hikaru wiped off the ice cream from his face.