Today is the last day of Mik-ay and I think a picspam is in order. Better late than never, that’s what I say :).
This is a very random collection of pics I should add.
To kick things off here is a very cute pic of very young Mike and Billie. Mike's hair is so pretty. And Billie's guitar hangs so high - definitely not a rock star yet :-).
Moving on to some scans from RiVwB - my current obsession. I never noticed until the movie that Mike is a "hugger" too. We know Billie is ;) (even one of the Blink guys said that in the DVD commentary).
Apparently, Mike was the one who cut the ribbon when Studio 880 opened! Mmmm, Raiderettes...
And Mike in the studio again with a side of Capitan Underpants Reto.
I do not know what to say here. Errr, Mike is trying to grab Billie's butt. Billie is sucking on Mike's guitar and sorta touching himself. Sounds like a fic to me...
And here is one of my favorites. Blond. Steely blue eyes. Cheekbones. Hard body under tight t-shirt. And his guitar.