Sep 26, 2005 10:30
The Portrait of the Provider Guardian (eSfJ)
Copyrighted © 1996-2005 Prometheus Nemesis Book Company
Provider Guardians take it upon themselves to arrange for the health and welfare of those in their care, but they are also the most sociable of all the Guardians, and thus are the great nurturers of established institutions such as schools, businesses, churches, social clubs, and civic groups. Wherever they go, Providers take up the role of social contributor, happily giving their time and energy to make sure that the needs of others are met, that traditions are supported and developed, and that social functions are a success.
Providers are very likely more than ten percent of the population, and this is very fortunate for the rest of us, because friendly social service is a key to their nature. Highly cooperative themselves, Providers are skilled in maintaining teamwork among their helpers, and are also tireless in their attention to the details of furnishing goods and services. They make excellent chairpersons in charge of social events. They are without peer as masters of ceremonies, able to approach others with ease and confidence, and seemingly aware of what everyone’s been doing. And they are outstanding hosts or hostesses, able to remember people’s names, usually after one introduction, and always concerned about the needs of their guests, wanting to insure that all are involved and provided for.
Providers are extremely sensitive to the feelings of others, which makes them perhaps the most sympathetic of all the types, but which also leaves them rather self-conscious, that is, highly sensitive to what others think of them. Because of this Providers can be crushed by personal criticism, and will work most effectively when given ample appreciation both for themselves personally and for the service they give to others. This is not to say that Providers are afraid to express their own emotional reactions. They are quick to like and dislike-and don’t mind saying so-tending to put on a pedestal whatever or whoever they admire, and to come down hard on those people and issues they don’t care for.
In their choice of careers, Providers may lean toward sales and service occupations. They have such pleasant, outgoing personalities that they are far and away the best sales reps, not only regularly winning sales contests, but earning seniority in any sales group within an organization. Observing Providers at work in a sales transaction reveals clearly how this type personalizes the sale. They are visibly-and honestly-concerned with their customer’s welfare, and thus the customer is not simply buying the product, but is buying personally from the Provider. This same characteristic causes them to be good in many people-to-people jobs, as teachers, clergy, coaches, social workers, office receptionists, and so on. Providers seldom become a source of irritation in the workplace; on the contrary, they are unflagging in their devotion to their company, and show such personal loyalty to their immediate superiors that they make invaluable personal secretaries.
President George Washington is an iconic example of a Provider Guardian temperament
A full description of the Providers is in Please Understand Me or Please Understand Me II |
The Temperaments | Artisan | Guardian | Idealist | Rational
Drummers | Pygmalion Project | Keirsey Temperament Sorter II | Non-English Temperament Sorters
Webmaster | Publications | Presidential Temperament | Leading
© 1996-2005, Prometheus Nemesis Book Company.
Johnny Carson Barbra Streisand
THE "COMPOSERS" (iSfP) Clint Eastwood Amelia Earhart
Elvis Presley Elizabeth Taylor
THE "PERFORMERS" (eSfP) Franklin Roosevelt Madonna
Copyrighted © 1996-2005 Prometheus Nemesis Book Co.
ARTISAN SPs, being CONCRETE in communicating and UTILITARIAN in implementing goals, can become highly skilled in TACTICAL VARIATION. Thus their most practiced and developed intelligent operations are usually promoting and operating (SPT expediting), or displaying and composing (SPF improvizing). And they would if they could be virtuosos of one of these forms artistic operation. Artisans are proud of themselves in the degree they are graceful in action, respect themselves in the degree they are daring, and feel confident of themselves in the degree they are adaptable. This is the "Sensation Seeking Personality" -- trusting in spontaniety and hungering for impact on others. They are usually hedonic about the present, optimistic about the future, cynical about the past, and their preferred time and place is the here and now. Educationally they go for arts and crafts, avocationally for techniques, and vocationally for operations work. They tend to be permissive as parents, playmates as spouses, and play oriented as children. There are many Artisans to be found in many places where the action is, at least 35% and as many as 40% of the population.
A full description of the Artisan is in Please Understand Me or Please Understand Me II
Ernest Hemingway and Franklin Delano Roosevelt are examples of Artisans
© 1996-2005, Prometheus Nemesis Book Company.
Harry Truman
Elizabeth II
Colin Powell
Elizabeth I
Jimmy Stewart
Mother Teresa
George Washington
Martha Stewart
Copyrighted © 1996-2005 Prometheus Nemesis Book Co.
GUARDIAN SJs, being CONCRETE in communicating and COOPERATIVE in implementing goals, can become highly skilled in LOGISTICS. Thus their most practiced and developed intelligent operations are often supervising and inspecting (SJT adminstering), or supplying and protecting (SJF conserving). And they would if they could be magistrates watching over these forms of social facilitation. They are proud of themselves in the degree they are reliable in action, respect themselves in the degree they do good deeds, and feel confident of themselves in the degree they are respectable. In search of security as they are the "Security Seeking Personality" -- trusting in legitimacy and hungering for membership. They are usually stoical about the present, pessimistic about the future, fatalistic about the past, and their preferred time and place is the past and the gateway. Educationally they go for commerce, avocationally for regulations, and vocationally for materiel work. They tend to be enculturating as parents, helpmates as spouses, and conformity oriented as children. There are even more Guardians than Artisans around, at least 40% and as many as 45% of the population.
Presidents George Washington and Harry S. Truman are examples of Guardians.
Albert Schweitzer
Princess Diana
Bill Moyers
Molly Brown
Mohandas Gandhi
Eleanor Roosevelt
Mikhael Gorbachev
Margaret Mead
Copyrighted © 1996-2005 Prometheus Nemesis Book Co.
IDEALIST NFs, being ABSTRACT in communicating and COOPERATIVE in implementing goals, can become highly skilled in DIPLOMATIC INTEGRATION. Thus their most practiced and developed intelligent operations are usually teaching and counseling (NFJ mentoring), or conferring and tutoring (NFP advocating). And they would if they could be sages in one of these forms of social development. The Idealist temperament have an instinct for interpersonal integration, learn ethics with ever increasing zeal, sometimes become diplomatic leaders, and often speak interpretively and metaphorically of the abstract world of their imagination.
They are proud of themselves in the degree they are empathic in action, respect themselves in the degree they are benevolent, and feel confident of themselves in the degree they are authentic. Idealist types search for their unique identity, hunger for deep and meaningful relationships, wish for a little romance each day, trust their intuitive feelings implicitly, aspire for profundity. This is the "Identity Seeking Personality" -- credulous about the future, mystical about the past, and their preferred time and place are the future and the pathway. Educationally they go for the humanities, avocationally for ethics, and vocationally for personnel work.
Social relationships: In their family interactions they strive for mutuality, provide spiritual intimacy for the mates, opportunity for fantasy for their children, and for themselves continuous self-renewal. Idealists do not abound, being as few as 8% and nor more than 10% of the population.
Mohandas Gandhi and Eleanor Roosevelt are examples of Idealists
Albert Einstein
Marie Curie
Walt Disney
Camille Paglia
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Ayn Rand
Bill Gates
Margaret Thatcher
Copyrighted © 1996-2005 Prometheus Nemesis Book Co.
RATIONAL NTs, being ABSTRACT in communicating and UTILITARIAN in implementing goals, can become highly skilled in STRATEGIC ANALYSIS. Thus their most practiced and developed intelligent operations tend to be marshalling and planning (NTJ organizing), or inventing and configuring (NTP engineering). And they would if they could be wizards in one of these forms of rational operation. They are proud of themselves in the degree they are competent in action, respect themselves in the degree they are autonomous, and feel confident of themselves in the degree they are strong willed. Ever in search of knowledge, this is the "Knowledge Seeking Personality" -- trusting in reason and hungering for achievement. They are usually pragmatic about the present, skeptical about the future, solipsistic about the past, and their preferred time and place are the interval and the intersection. Educationally they go for the sciences, avocationally for technology, and vocationally for systems work. Rationals tend to be individualizing as parents, mindmates as spouses, and learning oriented as children. Rationals are very infrequent, comprising as few as 5% and no more than 7% of the population.
Albert Einstein is an iconic example of a Rational. General Ulysses S. Grant is an example of a Rational.