(no subject)

Oct 09, 2005 19:10

yesterday was funnnn :D
it took me forever to get a ride to sams but i managed.
me and her cooked for the boys.
of course mine was extremely complicated with his meal.

so he wanted a wrap with grilled chicken slices
bacon, sliced up lettuce and tomato and extra ranch
and then grill it on the stove.

well it was my first time cooking..ever. haha
so i cut up little pieces of chicken from the chicken cutlets
put it in the pan with some oil and then let them cook a bit
and then i added a little wineee and some salt and pepper.
they came out perfect! so i was happy

then i had to take the beef and ground it with my hands, euck.
and i added seasoning, and then the tacos came out mad gooddd.

sam made spaghetti and chicke nfingers, ahah we burnt ourselves so many times.

after that we chilled in the living room for a bit, and relaxed
then we had a whip cream fight, which was funny :)

after we relaxed and watched down with love in the basement
and me nlukas had a whip cream fight, whatever i smelled gross after

so after everyone left, me n sam grabbed some snacks and chilled in her room.
i ended up talkign in my sleep again, whatever it happens. i was tired.
i woke up at 1130 and i went home around 1230ish and talked to my sisters.

im going outeast next saturday after the psats, then sleepover!! ;)
i cant wait till this weeks over, i just canttt. ok im out im bored.

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