Consider this:

Sep 14, 2008 13:21

Just consider:

This group is for anyone who wonders how in the hell the erstwhile governor of Alaska can simultaneously be:

A woman and anti-choice

A mother and pro-war

Anti-corruption and currently under investigation for abuse of power

A governor for 20 months and more experienced than Barack Obama

A foreign policy expert and a woman who only got her passport in July '07

A woman who is a "leader in climate change" and a woman who believes humans do not contribute to global warming, also a woman who shoots moose for fun and supports oil drilling in her state's wildlife preserves.

From a family of educators and pro-creationism-in-the-classroom

The GOP's responses to all of this?

"You get more experience to be president in a month of being governor that you do in several years of being a senator…Sarah Palin had more executive experience as the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, than Barack Obama has had in his entire life." - Mike Huckabee

"Palin knows about foreign policy because Russia is right next door to Alaska." - Steve Doocy

"Now, this establishes Undeniable Truth of Life Number 24, which says, 'Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society.' I guarantee you these messages Dawn is getting are probably pretty typical of liberal women across the country, and what it boils down to -- you know it and I know it -is jealousy. They're just jealous of her, Dawn. That's it, pure and simple." - Rush Limbaugh

OK. To sum up:

Being a senator doesn't count, proximity to foreign countries constitutes foreign policy experience, and if you don't like Sarah Palin you're probably a whiny ugly shrew. Vote McCain-Palin!

This just in:

Time Magazine is catching on - and, guess what, on top of everything else, Palin "asked the library how one would go about banning books" deemed objectionable:,8599,1837918,00.html

Apparently, Palin thinks it's hilarious when a radio shock jock calls one of her Alaskan opponents a "bitch" and a "cancer." Listen to her laugh here:

NOTE ON THE ABOVE: The video link in the story has been removed by YouTube (wonder why?). To hear the audio, click the hotlink reading "full clip" above it.

Watch a McCain spokesman repeatedly not answer the question as the surprisingly intrepid Campbell Brown keeps asking for ONE example of Palin utilizing the national guard:

McCain got his nose so out of joint after this interview that he threw a tantrum and canceled a CNN appearance:

You've heard the phrase, you've heard that it smacks of abuse of power, but what's it all about? Trooper-Gate below:

I've said it before, Palin is perfectly within her rights to shoot any animal she wants that is in season and not endangered. However, I think most of us (with the exception of Sarah Palin) can agree that shooting wolves from a plane is just plain unsportin':

Palin doesn't think polar bears should be listed as a "threatened" species, because their inclusion on that list might jeopardize Alaska's oil pipeline prospects. Not even kidding. Wish I was:

The oldest news source in America separates fact from fiction in Palin's acceptance speech. An invaluable resource when you want to explain the steam issuing from your ears to friends and coworkers:

Palin billed the taxpayers for nights she spent at her house. She also charged them for her kids' travel expenses when the family went out of town. Thanks to Ashley in DC for the link:

A great summing-up of why Sarah Palin is a terrible idea for this country. Thanks to Tim in Burlington for the link:

Unconfirmed, but crazy - Sarah Palin is reported to have said "So Sambo beat the bitch," when she heard about Obama's win over Hillary. Thanks to Meredith in Philly for the link:

Sarah Palin "won't rule out" war with Russia. You read that right. War. With. Russia. Because hot wars with Russia always turn out so well for the non-Russia side:,0,555508.story

Not only does Palin not support abortion for rape and/or insect victims, as mayor, she made Wasilla the only place in Alaska requiring rape victims to pay for their own rape test kits. Thanks to Navid in Virginia (and numerous others who told me about it in person) for the link:
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