Expect to see many photos over the next week as I finally have material. I don't think I will be posting any of the animal shots in my photo journal so they will all be right here to help you get your cute quota in this month. There is a place right outside of Bandon, Oregon that is helping raise endangered species and take animals from zoos and people who got more than they bargained for when they thought they would get an exotic pet. This facility cares for them for the rest of their lives.
Cougars are very plentiful in Oregon. They make very unique noises such as squeeks and sound like a woman screaming bloody murder when they cry, which is the most chilling sound in the middle of the night when you are camping!! Here is Blade who is about 4 months old. I took this picture right when he saw a Peacock that had wandered near me from behind and seconds after the shot was taken he lunged and knocked me over! :)